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Day 3 8.26.2014 AP/Studio E.Lyon. Find your folder Find your folder and a place to sit Take out your hand project we were working on last class Be ready.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 3 8.26.2014 AP/Studio E.Lyon. Find your folder Find your folder and a place to sit Take out your hand project we were working on last class Be ready."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 3 8.26.2014 AP/Studio E.Lyon

2 Find your folder Find your folder and a place to sit Take out your hand project we were working on last class Be ready for instructions

3 Agenda Finish hand project Review art terms Start a new project The goal is to finish at least 12 projects within the next month or two When we finish that goal we will talk more about AP concentration & breath parts of the portfolio, until then we are focusing on creating art

4 Review Review what we did last class and why we did it

5 Step #1 How to cheat in art Everyone needs: o Clear paper o vis-à-vis Marker Trace your hand(keep the paper and your hand in the same position) Then track the clear paper onto white paper, using the window as your light table(you might want to tape the paper together)

6 Project #1 Drawing your hand How did we do this last class?

7 Tracing Using the piece of transparency paper(clear paper) we traced our hand Then we transferred the tracing to a normal piece of paper using the light table as a window We cut out our hand so that we could create repeating shapes of our hand on the cardboard

8 Step #2 Cut out your hand shape Trace the shape of your hand multiple times to create patterns and shapes in your background on the white gesso piece of cardboard Glue your hand to the board

9 Add depth Shade the hand using the charcoal pencil or a regular pencil Cut out shapes or lines in the background to create texture

10 Review Art Terms Everyone needs a piece of paper with their name and class period on it.

11 Art Term Review On a piece of paper try to define these art terms, you can use words and pictures if that helps you 1)Shape 2)Line 3)Pattern 4)Texture 5)Contrast 6)Shading

12 Shape

13 Line

14 Pattern

15 Texture

16 Contrast

17 Shading

18 Project #2 Take out the piece of cardboard you made with just the paper towel on it Not the one with the mountain, but the other one

19 Project #2 Discover On the paper towel piece of cardboard that is not the mountains Find something in all the wrinkles and folds of the paper towel and draw something there Turn the folds into something You can use a pen, pencil, charcoal(no color yet)










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