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By Pearl Anderson Year 7 By Pearl Anderson Year 7 Cardboard Recycling.

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1 By Pearl Anderson Year 7 By Pearl Anderson Year 7 Cardboard Recycling

2 About Cardboard Recycling  Recycling cardboard saves 99% less water and 50% less energy than making a  new piece of cardboard.  It also saves 90% by products such as chemical wastes.  Every Kilogram of cardboard you recycle saves one kilogram of green house gases.  Recycling cardboard saves 99% less water and 50% less energy than making a  new piece of cardboard.  It also saves 90% by products such as chemical wastes.  Every Kilogram of cardboard you recycle saves one kilogram of green house gases.

3 About Cardboard Recycling (page 2)  Australians use around three and a half million tonnes(160,000 semi-trailers)  of paper and cardboard in a year and only one million seven hundred and fifty thousand tonnes of it is recycled or half.  80% of paper and cardboard packaging is made from recycled material.  Recycled cardboard can be made into sound proofing material, installation and furniture.  Australians use around three and a half million tonnes(160,000 semi-trailers)  of paper and cardboard in a year and only one million seven hundred and fifty thousand tonnes of it is recycled or half.  80% of paper and cardboard packaging is made from recycled material.  Recycled cardboard can be made into sound proofing material, installation and furniture.

4 How To Recycle Cardboard  The cardboard is brought to the recycling plant.  At the recycling plant it is sorted into grades(types).  The cardboard is then washed in very soapy water to remove all ink, plastic and staples.  Glue is then added to make what is called slurry.  The cardboard is brought to the recycling plant.  At the recycling plant it is sorted into grades(types).  The cardboard is then washed in very soapy water to remove all ink, plastic and staples.  Glue is then added to make what is called slurry.

5 How To Recycle Cardboard (page 2)  A different type of paper and cardboard is then added.  The slurry is then spread and rolled, then left to dry.  Once it has dried it is cut and sent to paper retailers.  A different type of paper and cardboard is then added.  The slurry is then spread and rolled, then left to dry.  Once it has dried it is cut and sent to paper retailers.

6 Being Waste Wise With Cardboard Types that can be recycled:  Flattened cardboard.  Clean pizza boxes.  Small cardboard scraps. Types that can not:  Waxed cardboard.  Unflattened boxes.  Dirty pizza boxes(as in food in or on them). Types that can be recycled:  Flattened cardboard.  Clean pizza boxes.  Small cardboard scraps. Types that can not:  Waxed cardboard.  Unflattened boxes.  Dirty pizza boxes(as in food in or on them).

7 Being Waste Wise with Cardboard (page2)  Another way to be waste wise with cardboard is to reuse it e.g. you could use the cardboard to make something else.


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