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Workface Planning APEGGA Conference Apr 2007 Jeph Virtue.

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Presentation on theme: "Workface Planning APEGGA Conference Apr 2007 Jeph Virtue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workface Planning APEGGA Conference Apr 2007 Jeph Virtue

2 Who are COAA Workface Planning Members and Sponsors? What is Workface Planning? Why do it? How does it work? (including “the Rules”) What is your role? Want more info or training? Answer these….

3 Jeph Virtue Suncor(Chair) Simon MarshmanFlintMaurice D’AoustJacobs Catalytic Ltd. Frank DeLucaBird ConstructionRon Embury NOVA Niels FrederiksenJacobsDan GaronFluor Canada Doug HawkinsCLRAJose HerreroFluor Canada George JergeasUofCRay JohnsonBantrel Preston NotonHatchRonald RamsayBantrel Lloyd RankinUofCRandy ReganSuncor Raymond RewcastleBantrelBrian RoyBrand Scaffold Geoff RyanJacobs Gary SemaniukStantec Pat SynnottJacobs Catalytic Ltd.Celina O’NeillSuncor John VincentColtBill LuxtonSAIT Committee Members

4 Alberta Building Trades Council Bantrel Bantrel Constructors Bird Construction Christian Labour Association of Canada Construction Labour Relations – Alberta Shell Canada Limited Suncor Energy Inc. TransCanada Pipelines COAA Members Fluor Canada Ledcor Group Sponsors

5 Workface Planning Definition Workface Planning is the process of organizing and delivering all the elements necessary, before work is started, to enable craft persons to perform quality work in a safe, effective and efficient manner.

6 Size of the Prize Tool Time 37% Wait Time 15% Tool Time 47% Wait Time ~5% 10% more tool time is a 25% improvement in productivity Safety, morale and predictability improvements

7 One Bite at a Time Workface planning will not solve all productivity issues … but it’s a good start Rework Workface Planning Bench marking Supervisory Skills   Absenteeism Supervisor Mentoring 

8 Workface Planning Works! Thesis Extract: Conclusion “There is sufficient evidence to conclude that workface planning, as developed by the COAA steering committee, contributes to higher project performance.” Same: Owner EPCM Plant Type Size Time period Project A Project B Workface Planning from start Workface Planning added later ~25 to 30% better production Behind schedule On Plan

9 Owner Commitment

10 Dedicated Planner “Release the Work” Field Installation Work Package 1 day to 4 weeks of defined scope. Materials Tools Equipment Trades/Specialists Detailed Plan Drawings Vendor Info. Safety Requirements Supervisor Review “Plan the Work” Materials & Equipment Coordinators Prerequisites Supervisor “Work the Plan” Tools Team Scope Ready √ 37% Tool Time Improvement Workface Planning 47%

11 A Supervisor’s Day + + + + + + - - Not enough direct supervision. Planning suffers when busy. always grows gets squeezed + -

12 Construction Mgr General Foreman Superintendent Foreman Crew Work the Plan the Work Dedicated Planner Plan The Work Construction Mgr General Foreman Superintendent Foreman Crew Work the Plan Performance Improvement

13 #1: Appoint Dedicated Planners Workface Planning Rules

14 ? Why do we do this? Project Size % Planning

15 #2: Planner completes Field Installation Work Package (FIWP) and releases when ready Workface Planning Rules Field Installation Work Package Materials Tools Equipment Trades/Specialists Detailed Plan Drawings Vendor Info. Safety Requirements Supervisor Review

16 #3: Complete FIWP at least 4 weeks prior to construction start on that FIWP Workface Planning Rules

17 #4: Provide Planners with latest versions of documentation Workface Planning Rules

18 #5: Track progress of each FIWP vs targets Workface Planning Rules

19 #6: Develop a backlog of FIWP’s Workface Planning Rules

20 #7: Assign responsibility for integration planning Workface Planning Rules

21 #8: Assign responsibility for Material, Construction Equipment, Scaffold and Specialty Tool Coordination to Dedicated Coordinators Workface Planning Rules

22 #9: Develop Startup sequence, then path of construction, then Construction Work Package Release Plan Workface Planning Rules

23 #9 (Cont.): 1)Develop Startup sequence 2)Path of construction Workface Planning Rules 3) Identify Construction Work Packages (CWP) and CWP Release Plan Considerations Start-up Sequence Manhours Congestion Access Levels Complexity Equipment Delivery Time to complete

24 #10: Write requirement for Workface Planning into contracts Workface Planning Rules

25 #11: Audit to ensure rules are being followed Workface Planning Rules

26 Prerequisites - Owner Executive declaration: “Use COAA Workface Planning!” Appoint Workface Planning Sponsor and Champion Develop Workface Planning Execution Strategy for project Determine systems, tools, organization – Determine how Workface Planning Principles will be implemented – Roles and Responsibilities specific to Workface Planning – Align key stakeholders Include Workface Planning requirement in Contracts Define startup sequence of units Support and audit Expect Construction Indirects to be higher; but overall Total Installed Cost to be lower DBM EDS EPC

27 Construction Management Commit to Workface Planning Make it happen (all phases) Develop Workface Planning Execution Plan for project Develop Path of Construction (with Eng and Contractors) – startup sequence – construction logistics and time to complete – by area Include Workface Planning requirement in contracts Identify Construction Work Packages (CWP) and release plan Appoint Integrated Planner Perform Constructability review (with Eng and Contractors) Coordinate dedicated planners via integrated planner Manage rub points Roll-up overall FIWP progress DBM EDS EPC

28 Construction Contractors Commit to Workface Planning Develop Path of Construction with Construction Management (CM) Identify Construction Work Packages (CWP) and develop release plan with CM and Eng Appoint Dedicated Planners, Equipment Coordinators, Scaffold Coordinators and Workface Planning Leaders Perform Constructability review (with CM and Eng) Break CWP into Field Installation Work Packages (FIWP) Identify FIWP’s and FIWP release plan Develop FIWP’s Feed 3 week lookahead schedule with FIWP releases Execute FIWP – track progress DBM EDS EPC

29 Prerequisites - Engineer Commit to Workface Planning Incorporate Workface Planning into Stds, Procedures and Job Instructions Establish Work Breakdown Structure Develop Path of Engineering – based on Construction Work Packages and release plan – allow 2 to 3 months between IFC and construction start – communicate to team consequences if missed (MEET THE PLAN) Deliver CWP’s per the release plan Provide document updates to dedicated planners DBM EDS EPC

30 ½ Day Overview ($400) –Executive, Management, Supervision –Owner, EPCM, Construction Contractors 4 Day Workface Planner Course ($2400) –Workface Area and Integration Planners, Champions, Coordinators (Equipment, Material, Tool, Scaffold) –Owner, Construction Contractor, Construction Manager Available now Training

31 COAA Conference: May 15 eve, May 16 Thankyou More Info

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