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UNCLASSIFIED 1 USJFCOM Brandon Cholek, JOCSP USJFCOM Operational Contract Support (OCS) Planning Initiatives - Projects (J7) COCOM Exercise support (J7)

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Presentation on theme: "UNCLASSIFIED 1 USJFCOM Brandon Cholek, JOCSP USJFCOM Operational Contract Support (OCS) Planning Initiatives - Projects (J7) COCOM Exercise support (J7)"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNCLASSIFIED 1 USJFCOM Brandon Cholek, JOCSP USJFCOM Operational Contract Support (OCS) Planning Initiatives - Projects (J7) COCOM Exercise support (J7) Establish Collaborative OCS Environment within JFCOM Internal and external customers (J7 JKDDC) Developing an online OCS training program to include training modules, community of interest, and a life cycle plan for maintenance and sustainment (J9) USG Contracted Private Security Company (PSC) Project - Best Practices Promulgate current and accurate Operational Contract Support (OCS) doctrine, policy and facts - Lessons Learned Leverage Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) Develop IAW with JFCOM JWFC J7 processes - Planned Project Initiatives (12-18 months) COCOM Exercise support Develop JLLIS as an enabler within the JFCOM OCS Community of Practice and complements JCASO and OSD DPAP OCS efforts Collaborate with trainers for refining OCS sections for training and senior leader courses Develop and maintain an OCS Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) in the JMSEL tool for exercises and training

2 UNCLASSIFIED 2 FY 09 RCC PRIORITY FOR JWFC SUPPORT Description : UE XX purpose is to train the Prospective MNC-I Commander & Staff to meet expected requirements in Iraqi Theater Operations. Training Audience: CORPS / Divisions Exercise Objectives –Train IEDS-D –Use EBA –Integrate Coalition & Iraqi partners –Incorporate Iraqi and regional cultural considerations –Exercise B2C2WG –Train National Strategic Moral & Ethical Dilemmas JELC Dates CDC: 4-7 Nov 08 IPC: 12-15 Jan 09 Phase #1: 27 Mar-7 Apr 09 MPC: 18-21 May 09 MPC: 18-21 May 09 Phase #2 8-19 Jun 09 FPC: 20-24 Jul 09 Phase #3: Academics 27-31 Jul 09 Phase #4 TBD Phase #5 Ramp-up: 28 Sept-2 Oct Phase #5 Execution: 4 Oct-9 Oct 09 Resources Personnel –Mil / GS / Ctr: –Funding –$5.0M Multinational UK, ROK, IRQ Interagency DOS, USAID, IRMO, NCT, CIA, NSA, DIA, NGIC, DOJ/FBI Other COCOM Support: CENTCOM, SOCOM, TRANSCOMSTRATCOM/JIOC, ACC, MARFORCOM, FORSCOM, DISA Other JFCOM Directorates –J1, J3, JCOA, SJFHQ, JPASE, JPRA, JFIIT Event Leads Desk Off: COL David Boslego Lead Planner: LTC O’Neill x7795 JST Lead Planner: Mr. Neil Hurley x7827 DTT Lead: TBD Senior Mentors: GEN Luck USJFCOM Brandon Cholek, JOCSP

3 UNCLASSIFIED 3 Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) Joint Search Digest Binders Communities of Interest/Practice Issue Management System –Analysis Process –Collaboration SME Process –Resolution Process JFCOM Joint Lessons Learned Program Instruction –Internal Inputs –External Inputs –Joint Planning Group Process JWFC JLLIS Implementation (Working) From identified areas within your organization, select Group results for potential JLLIS population Work with Operations Group to develop JWFC directive/SOP Use the JLLIS program to ensure familiarization and organization adaptability Develop a program POAM aligned with USJFCOM instruction approval USJFCOM Brandon Cholek, JOCSP


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8 8 Operational Contract Support Contractors on the Battlefield Contractor Management Plan Contractor Integration Plan Annex W

9 UNCLASSIFIED 9 Managing these contractors is like herding cats. Where is the Contractor Management Plan for the Annex W? The Life of a Joint Operational Contract Support Planner (JOCSP)

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