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Introduction to Urban Planning Dr. A.M. Khan Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering CIVE4303, GEOG4303 September 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Urban Planning Dr. A.M. Khan Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering CIVE4303, GEOG4303 September 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Urban Planning Dr. A.M. Khan Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering CIVE4303, GEOG4303 September 2005

2 Urban Planning Carleton University 2 Introduction to Urban Planning “Planning means scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well- being of urban and rural communities” (Canadian Institute of Planners - CIP) (

3 September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 3 Introduction to Urban Planning – cont’d Planning: It is a process which alters the development of another process, or alters a situation, in order to achieve the goals of the planner or those who the planner represents. Urbanized Region: It is that area whose major source of influence is the city and including the city itself. It is assumed that cities and urban areas are important enough within regions to make it necessary to discuss city planning (urban planning) as part of regional planning.

4 September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 4 Metropolitan Area District ~ 60,000-100,000 persons Community 15,000-30,000 persons The Neighbourhood 4,000-5,000 persons Delineation of Land Service Units

5 September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 5 What Planners Do? Planning is vital to the sustainability of safe, healthy, and secure urban environments (CIP) According to CIP, Planners deal with: - Land Use - Addressing transportation and infrastructure - Planning social and community services - Managing cultural and heritage resources - Creating economic capacity in local communities - Working internationally

6 September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 6 What Planners Do? (Cont.) “A planner provides research, reasoned analysis, and recommendations to both public and the private sector, intended to meet the needs of all sectors of society” (CIP) Good (land use) planning (according CIP web page): - Considering the whole: “Conservation of life and economy in the system of developing land”. - Research: “to measure and analyze statistical information for its implication; to examine actions to understand their intended-and-real effect” (CIP).

7 September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 7 What Planners Do? (Cont.) Good (land use) planning (according CIP web page) (Cont.): - Integration – to integrate the goal of sustainable development, good government and economic viability when evaluating proposals and strategies” (CIP) - Consultations during the planning process

8 September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 8 Skills & Talents Required Knowledge of land, air and water resources Knowledge of technology and technical skills The use and need of new technologies Population and employment trends Conflict resolution

9 September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 9 Tools Used in the Planning Process Mathematical models Computer simulations Scale models Vision and strategy sessions of interested groups Consultation sessions/ideas fairs to bring together new concepts Design workshops Social and environmental impact analysis

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