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Published byAllyson Jordan Modified over 9 years ago
The Transportation Planner’s Safety Desk Reference and the TSPWG __________________________________ Megan Zadecky Transportation Director National Association of Regional Councils
Overview Safety facts Background TSPWG Transportation Planner’s Safety Desk Reference TSPWG Resources
Safety on an Average Day 117 fatalities 30% of daily fatalities (35) are under the age of 25 Daily financial loss is $630 million
Addressing the Problem Engineering Education Enforcement Partnership Activities
Key to success Federal, state and local governments Local business communities Citizens Schools Others
FHWA Partnership Activities SHSP National Work-Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse Stop Red Light Running Transportation Safety Planning Working Group (TSPWG)
TSPWG Promote safety in the transportation planning process Informal, ad-hoc partnership US DOT agencies Nonprofit and association groups representing planning, engineering, and state DOTs.
TSPWG – cont. May 2000 Integrating safety into long range transportation planning Advocacy for SHSPs Meets every 2-3 months Develop ideas, information exchange, review and outreach
Transportation Planner’s Safety Desk Reference Initiated by TSPWG Sponsored by FHWA Targeted toward transportation planners Companion to AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Contents of the Desk Reference Overview of transportation safety Roles of planners to advance safety Incorporates safety into planning process Resources to fund safety programs Safety strategies
Safety Planning Overview Multi-disciplinary effort SHSP – problems and solutions 4Es –Engineering –EMS –Education –Enforcement
Planner’s Role Multidisciplinary professionals Data collection and Analysis GIS Conveners Partnerships
How do Transportation Planners Improve Safety Planning? Advocate – make it a priority Develop a vision Comprehensive approach Performance measures Collaborate with safety community Improve data and analytical tools
How do Transportation Planners Improve Safety Planning? Address policies Integrate safety into plans and programs Focus on investments that address safety Use the State’s SHSP Monitor safety Analyze effectiveness
Incorporating Safety into the Planning Process State DOTs, COGs and MPOs Identify problem SHSP – get involved and use Develop countermeasures Include safety as a planning factor early in the process Safety goals, objectives and performance measures
Funding Safety Projects Many Resources Designated solely for safety Flexible 12 specific sources
Highway Safety Improvement Program New core federal-aid funding program in FY 06 Reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads SHSP – October 1, 2007
High-risk Rural Roads Program Component of HSIP Safety on high-risk rural roads Construction and operational improvements
Surface Transportation Program Flexible funding States and local projects on any federal-aid highway National highway system Bridge projects Federal share 80%
Safe Routes to Schools Encouraging walking and biking to school Facilitate planning for safe routes for students State apportioned funds for projects, not less than $1 million
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Air quality nonattainment and maintenance areas for ozone, carbon monoxide and particulate matter Reducing transportation-related emissions Federal share 80%
SAFETEA-LU Section 402 State and Community Highway Safety Grants Highway safety behavior programs –Alcohol countermeasures –Occupant protection –Police traffic services –EMS –Traffic records –Motorcycle, pedestrian and bicycle safety –Non-construction aspects of roadway safety –speed 40% to be spent by local governments – to benefit local governments
SAFETEA-LU Section 405 Occupant Protection Incentive grants to states Adopt and implement programs to reduce deaths and injuries resulting from unrestrained passengers
SAFETEA-LU Section 406 Safety Belt Performance Incentive program for states Enact and enforce primary safety belt laws At least $1 million to be sued for behavior safety activities
SAFETEA-LU Section 408 State Traffic Safety Incentive program for states Improving state data –Identify program priorities –Evaluation –Linking systems –Enhance compatibility
SAFETEA-LU Section 410 State Safety Grant Programs Incentives to states Reduce safety traffic problems resulting from impaired driving
SAFETEA-LU Section 2010 Motorcyclist Safety Grants to states Programs to reduce the number of motorcycle accidents Motorcycle training and motorist awareness programs
CFR Title 49 part 350 Commercial Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Grants to states Reduce the accidents involving commercial motor vehicles and hazardous materials Consistent, uniform and effective CMV safety programs
Safety Emphasis Areas Issues to focus on 17 areas listed Problem identified Data relating to the problem Potential solutions and objectives Strategies for achieving objectives Best practices Resources
Older Persons’ Safe Mobility Plan for an aging population Improvements to better accommodate older drivers’ special needs BMPs –Model Driver Screening and Evaluation –AAA education and training materials
Pedestrian Collisions Reduce pedestrian exposure to traffic Improve sight distance and visibility for drivers and pedestrians Reduce sped of motor vehicles Improve pedestrian and motorist safety awareness and behavior
Pedestrian Collisions BMPs –City of Edgewood, Washington guidance on crossing islands –City of Los Altos Neighborhood Traffic Management Program –ITE website on traffic calming measures –Project for Public Spaces Traffic Calming 101
Aggressive Driving Deter by specific populations –History of such behavior –Specific locations Improve driving environment to eliminate or minimize “triggers” of aggressive driving BMPs –Washington state Patrol Aggressive Driver Apprehension Team –North Central Texas Council of Governments Freeway Incident Management Course
Unlicensed Drivers Eliminate the need to drive Apply special enforcement practices Restrict mobility through license plate modification BMPs –Aspen Colorado’s Tipsy Taxi Program
Signalized Intersections Traffic control and operational improvements Geometric improvements Improve sight distance and driver awareness Improve driver compliance with traffic control devices Improve access management near signalized intersections
Unsignalized Intersections Improve access management Geometric design improvements Improve sight distance Improve availability gaps in traffic Assist drivers in judging gap sizes Improve driver awareness Appropriate intersection traffic control
Unsignalized Intersections Improve driver compliance with traffic control devices and traffic laws Reduce operating speeds on specific intersection approaches Guide motorists more effectively through complex intersections BMPs –Minnesota DOT Access Management Guidelines
Run-Off-Road Collisions Keep vehicles from encroaching the roadside Minimize the likelihood of crashing if vehicle travels beyond the shoulder Reduce the severity of the crash BMPs –Summary of survey results of State DOTs on Tree Crash Reduction Programs –Iowa DOT office of design, Design Manual
Head-On Collisions Keep vehicles from encroaching into opposite lane Minimize likelihood of crashing into oncoming vehicles
Horizontal Curves Reduce likelihood of vehicle crossing centerline or leaving the roadway at a horizontal curve Minimize adverse consequences of leaving the roadway at a horizontal curve BMPs –FHWA listing of state rumble strips contacts
Tree Collisions Prevent growth in hazardous locations Eliminate hazardous conditions Reduce severity of the crash BMPs –Caltrans Maintenance Manual, Vegetation Control Plan, Chapter C2
Utility Pole Collisions Treat poles in high-crash and high-risk areas Prevent placement in high-risk locations Treat several poles along corridor to minimize off road crashing BMPs –Washington state DOT policy on utility placement –Examples of Utility Companies’ Roadside Safety Policies
Occupant Protection Programs to maximize use of occupant restraints Ensure that restraints are properly used Provide access to appropriate information for programs BMPs –Summary of the State of CA carseal law –Hoffman Estates, IL ordinance permitting local primary enforcement of safety belt use –AAA –Buckle Up America
Heavy Truck Collisions Reduce fatigue-related crashes Strengthen commercial drivers license program Increase knowledge about road sharing Improve maintenance of heavy trucks Identify unsafe roadway infrastructure and operational characteristics Improve truck safety data Promote industry safety initiatives
Heavy Truck Collisions BMPs –Maryland “preventative maintenance” program for trucks –Iowa TraCS, traffic and criminal software –Tennessee Department of Safety Alternative Commercial Enforcement Strategies –Michigan Center for Truck Safety –FMCSA Safety if Good Business Program
Work Zone Collisions Reduce number, duration and impacts Improve traffic control devices Improve design practices Improve driver compliance with traffic controls Increase knowledge and awareness Develop procedures for effective management
Work Zone Collisions BMPs –Virginia DOTs Work Area Protection Manual –Work Area Protection Guide, Illinois DOT –Illinois Bureau of Design and Environment Manual –Washington State Dots Design Manual
Drowsy / Distracted Driving Make roadways safer Provide safe stopping and resting areas Increase awareness of the risks of drowsy and distracted driving Programs targeting at-risk population BMPs –Utah “Sleep Smart Drive Smart” –New Jersey’s “Maggie’s Law” –Cingular Wireless program
Rural Emergency Medical Services Integrate services to enhance EM capabilities Provide/improve management and decision tools Provide better education opportunities for rural EMS Resources
Alcohol-Involved Collisions Enforce DWI laws Prosecute and Impose Sanctions on DWI offenders
Where can I get the Desk Reference? Online PDF copy Planner_1_17_07FINAL.pdf
Other Tools – TSPWG website Comprehensive One-stop Interactive Targets a broad range of interests
Research and Publications Recent topics in transportation safety planning General reports Presentations Forum reports Circulars
Q & A Forum Interactive Post questions Archived information Broad range of topics
Noteworthy Practices Safety success stories Snapshots Easy to ready Resources
Newsletter Quarterly publication (January, April, July and October) Most up-to-date news –Tools of the trade –News from the field –Research updates –Noteworthy practices –Champions corner
Member Organizations NARC Other local and state transportation engineering and planning organizations Link to all sites Access to information from each sector
Megan Zadecky Transportation Director National Association of Regional Councils 202.986.1032
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