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SenterNovem marketing activities towards municipalities Maartje Op de Coul Advisor Compass Programme (energy in the built environment)

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Presentation on theme: "SenterNovem marketing activities towards municipalities Maartje Op de Coul Advisor Compass Programme (energy in the built environment)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SenterNovem marketing activities towards municipalities Maartje Op de Coul Advisor Compass Programme (energy in the built environment)

2 2 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Topics of the presentation: Marketing strategies & instruments used by SenterNovem and lessons learnt Demonstration of a marketing isntrument: the instrument planner Participatory session: stakeholder analysis RUSE partners

3 3 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Overview Role of SenterNovem re energy policy and projects of municipalities: Preparation and implementation of subsidy schemes for Min of Housing Informing, stimulating and supporting municipalities to apply Informing and stimulating municipalities to apply to other subsidies available to them as well, for example in the field of transport, renewable energy and European subsidies.

4 4 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Overview Key subsidy schemes past 10 years: LOREEN  From 1998 onwards  Project based subsidies for local and regional energy projects BANS  From 2003 onwards  4 yr subsidy for local climate policy  € 37 million from Min of Housing for 225 municipalities  50% co-financing by municpalities

5 5 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments LOREEN – aim & problems Aim LOREEN for (Senter)Novem: all subsidies available exhausted Problem: marketing  Novem wasn’t known as a grant providing agency  Formal publication in government paper didn’t attract many grant applications

6 6 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments LOREEN – marketing aims Marketing aims: Inform the market on availability of subsidy QUICKLY Ensure that municipalities feel attracted to subisidy (SN reputation of complex, innovative grants) Communicate simplicity of LOREEN subsidy scheme

7 7 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments LOREEN – marketing instruments Marketing instruments: Stakeholder analysis (inlcuding obstacles and expectations) “shock and awe” campaign (quick and dirty) Supported by robust helpdesk for the application process

8 8 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments LOREEN - results Results: Grant exhausted Enough applications to be able to select only the good projects Reputation as a subsidy provider established

9 9 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments LOREEN – lessons learnt Lessons learnt: Stakeholder analysis important Make sure municpalities feel adressed by subsidy Communicate simplicity of subsidy Separate marketing of subsidy from assessment of subsidy applications ;-)

10 10 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments BANS - aims Aim BANS for SenterNovem: as many applications as possible, before the deadline Target: 220 applications

11 11 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments BANS – marketing strategy Marketing strategy: Building on previously established good relations with municipalities Using proximity of designers of subsidy scheme Providing the municipality with instruments that structure and simplify the application process Close and individual support in the application process (everything short of writing) Lobby

12 12 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments BANS – marketing instruments Marketing instruments: 1-on-1 support (obligatory)  In all stages: getting commitment, baseline study, application writing  Average of 40 hrs support for each municipality  Workshops within mun.  Lobby within political bodies of mun. if needed  Prospect of continuity of SN support in implementation phase

13 13 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments BANS – marketing instruments Marketing instruments: Practical planning instruments:  Climate menu - choice of themes and corresponding ambition  Climate scan - obligatory baseline study implemented by SN  Climate planner – support to move towards actual project planning

14 14 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments BANS – results Results 238 applications submitted and approved Average appreciation of SN support: 7,5 Mun. state that without SN support the application process would have been more difficult and in some cases application would have been suspended

15 15 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments BANS – lessons learnt Lessons learnt – what works: Chances of success increase with the intensity of support A good project proposal enhances good project implementation Close contact with department that designs the subsidy scheme Already existing contacts with mun. important Obligatory character of climate scan and SN support High quality of climate policy planning instruments

16 16 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments BANS – lessons learnt Lessons learnt – question marks: “Return of investment”: sometimes a lot of investment in terms of supporting hours balanced by a small amount of subsidy “Ownership”: despite intensive support by SN, climate policy must be owned by mun. Exclusively quantative targets don’t work

17 17 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Instrument Planner Another marketing instrument: Instrument Planner Brief background information Demonstration of the instrument for RUSE Brief analysis of result

18 18 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Instrument Planner: The framework of Green and Kreuter

19 19 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Instrument Planner: Table of Determinants Main determinantsspecific determinantScore housing associations Predisposing factors Awareness1 Knowledge1 Social norm2 Attitude3 Self-Efficacy2 Enabling factorsExternal financial resources1 External technical resources2 External organizational resources1 New skills1 Reinforcing factorsFeedback of peer organizations3 Feedback of experts1 Feedback of the authorities3 Feedback of Customers1

20 20 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Instrument Planner: Instruments Matrix

21 21 SenterNovem marketing strategies&instruments Stakeholder analysis Hands-on session: RUSE stakeholder analysis

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