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Presentation on theme: "LMST Meeting February 2013 COMMON CORE, FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHING, AND LIBRARY MEDIA."— Presentation transcript:


2 PURPOSE Rebuild Our Curriculum Curriculum Crosswalks Common Core Standards FFT/Lesson Planner

3 WHERE ARE WE?  Library Media Uses: Standards of Excellence  2012-2013  nce%20Framework.pdf nce%20Framework.pdf

4 WHERE ARE WE GOING?  Rewriting curriculum to meet MD Common Core Standards  Completed the PGCPS Crosswalks K-12  Housed on the Professional Development Wiki  Rewriting the standing curriculum  Preparing to provide professional development for writing school library media Student Learning Objectives  Anticipating next year – 1000 Teacher Training, March 23  Providing professional development for writing a lesson plan aligned with Framework for Teaching  LIBME 32025: Curriculum Connections: Build a Lesson Using the Framework for Teaching Lesson Planner Upcoming: Curriculum Connections: Common Core Crosswalk Lesson Planning (February 15 th reschedule)

5 ANTICIPATING  School Year 2013-2014  Library Media Specialists  Writing Student Learning Outcomes  Writing Framework For Teaching Lesson Plans for Observation  Why?  Professional development  Responsibility for standards  Alignment of our curriculum documents

6 COMPLETED  OLMS  Collaborative Connections Document (online and in binder)  PGCPS Curriculum Crosswalks: digging deep into Common Core and AASL Standards (online and in binder)  K-2  3-5  6-8  9-12  Framework For Teaching Documents: (online and in binder)  Lesson Planner Rough Draft: Use this planner to roughly outline your lesson using the TPACK model (strategies/scenario/resources/product)  Lesson Planner Outliner: Use this planner as a second draft to include additional details (aligned objective/detailed resources/flow of lesson/rubrics/FFT format  Lesson Planner Observation: Use this planner as the final format for your observation lesson plan  Professional Development Wiki Professional Development Wiki

7 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  Standards for the 21 st Century Learner  National Common Core Standards  Crosswalk of Common Core Standards and the Standards for the 21 st Century Learner, 2009

8 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  Crosswalk of Common Core Standards and the Standards for the 21 st Century Learner  English/LA:  PGCPS Crosswalks Complete  Future:  Literacy History/SS  Literacy Science  Writing Standards  Mathematics

9 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  Crosswalk of Common Core Standards and the Standards for the 21 st Century Learner (AASL) - Leaves us with questions….. Grade-Level BENCHMARKS? What does this look like in Maryland’s classrooms?

10 AASL STANDARDS FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY LEARNER  AASL Skills: include indicators and benchmarks (grades 2, 5, 8, 10, 12)  AASL Dispositions in Action: learning behaviors, attitudes and habits of mind that transform the learner –sample behaviors and stages of development  AASL Responsibilities: enables student to emerge and responsible and productive member of society – sample behaviors and stages of development  AASL Self Assessment Strategies: students learn how to self regulate in the learning process – quality, gaps in thinking, ask questions



13 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  SKILLS and BENCHMARKS  AASL1.1.7 Skill  : Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias.  AASL Grade Level Benchmark (Grade 2)  Summarize or retell key points.  AASL Grade Level Benchmark (Grade 5)  Recognize when facts from two different sources conflict and seek additional sources to verify accuracy  Recognize their own misconceptions when new information conflicts with previously held opinions

14 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  AASL1.1.7 Skill  : Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias.  AASL Grade Level Benchmark (Grade 8)  Seek more than one point of view by using diverse sources  Explain the effect of different perspectives (points of view) on the information  AASL Grade Level Benchmark (Grade 10)  Identify presence of bias and explain the effect on the information presented  Counter the effect of bias on the accuracy and reliability of information by actively pursuing a balanced perspective

15 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  AASL1.1.7 Skill  : Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias.  AASL Grade Level Benchmark (Grade 12)  Create a system to organize information  Analyze the structure and logic of supporting arguments or methods  Analyze information for prejudice, deception, or manipulation  Investigate different viewpoints encountered, and determine whether and how to incorporate or reject these viewpoints  Compensate for the effect of point of view and bias by seeking alternative perspectives

16 BENCHMARKS  How are benchmarks for standards beneficial to your teaching and students’ learning?

17  Dispositions in Action and Behaviors/Stages of Development PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12

18 DISPOSITIONS IN ACTION  Share how Dispositions in Action standards will change the way you teach:

19  Responsibilities and Behaviors/Stages of Development PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12

20 RESPONSIBILITIES  Share how using Responsibilities standards will change the way you teach:

21  Self Assessment Strategies and Metacognition PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12

22 SELF ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES  How will embedded Self Assessment Strategies change the way you teach?

23 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  MSDE Common Core Standards: What’s being taught in classrooms. DRILL DOWN…

24 PGCPS CROSSWALK OF THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS K-12  MSDE Common Core Standards Embedded MDSLM Standard!

25 CONNECTIONS THROUGH AASL AND MDSLMD STANDARDS: BUILD SEED LESSONS AASL 1.1.7 Skill  : Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias  AASL Grade Level Benchmark (Grade 5)  Recognize when facts from two different sources conflict and seek additional sources to verify accuracy  Recognize their own misconceptions when new information conflicts with previously held opinions


27 UNWRAP THE STANDARDS  Review the Crosswalk for your grade level  Share how to integrate into a lesson  Lesson Seed  Add to PD Wiki




31 PGCPS AND FFT  Components of Professional Practice  Domain 1: Planning and Preparation  6 Components  Elements  Domain 2: Classroom Environment  5 Components  Elements  Domain 3: Instruction  5 Components  Elements  Domain 4: Professional Responsibility  6 Components  Elements 2 Components

32 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 1: Planning and Preparation  Component:  1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes  Elements:  Value, sequence and alignment  Clarity  Balance  Suitability for diverse learners Are your outcome(s) on target?

33 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 1: Planning and Preparation  Component:  1e: Designing Coherent Instruction  Elements:  Learning activities  Instructional materials and resources  Instructional groups  Lesson and Unit structure Is your instruction designed for optimum learning?

34 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 2: Classroom Environment  Component:  2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning  Elements:  Importance of the content  Expectations for learning and achievement  Student pride in work Is your instruction aligned with Common Core and Classroom Content? Passionate?

35 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 2: Classroom Environment  Component:  2b: Managing Student Behavior  Elements:  Expectations  Monitoring of student behavior  Reponses to student behavior Is you behavior management plan linked to the school’s plan? Do you have seating charts? Procedures? Are they working?

36 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 3: Instruction  Component:  3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques  Elements:  Quality of questions  Discussion techniques  Student participation Do you ask open ended questions? Do students share their thoughts? (Dispositions In Action)

37 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 3: Instruction  Component:  3c: Engaging Students in Learning  Elements:  Activities and assignments  Grouping of students  Instructional materials and resources  Structure and pacing Teacher Directed Activities, Teacher-Monitored Activities, Extension, Refinement, and Practice Activities, Assessments TECHNOLOGY PEDEGOGY CONTENT

38 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities  Component:  4a: Reflecting on Teaching  Elements:  Accuracy  Use in future teaching How do you reflect on your teaching after the lesson?

39 PGCPS AND FFT  Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities  Component:  4c: Communicating with Families  Elements:  Information about the instructional program  Information about individual students  Engagement of families in the instructional program How do you communicate with the school community?

40 FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHING LESSON PLANNER Formal Lesson Planner (14 pages) Lesson Planner Rough Draft (2 pages) Lesson Planner Outliner (7 pages)  Multiple key questions to assist you to create your lesson plan aligned with FFT Components for evaluation.  Blank formats with few instructions to rough out and write your lesson plan.


42 PGCPS AND FFT  Let’s look at our documents  Lesson Planner Rough Draft  Lesson Planner Outline  Lesson Planner for Formal Lesson Plan for Observation  http://lms-professional- http://lms-professional-  Thinking Verbs and *Bloom’s Taxonomy  Daily Resource Planner

43 FFT LESSON PLANNER FEEDBACK  How will lesson planners assist you?  Supporting documents  Thinking Verbs and *Bloom’s Taxonomy  Daily Resource Planner


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