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Presentation on theme: "ROADMAP TO SUCCESS: EXTENDING KUALI STUDENT AACRAO TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE - JULY 15, 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRESENTERS Caryn Castellan Business Systems Manager, Academic Advising and Self-Service Sandy Thompson Manager, Student Records and Self-Service Technical Team Grant L. Simpson Senior Systems Analyst, Academic Advising and Self-Service Team Indiana University University Information Technology Services (UITS)

3 IU is a 4-year public university 9 campuses statewide 8 of which utilize the Oracle-based Student Information System (SIS) Approximately 94,378 students enrolled on the campuses using SIS* Majority of students are enrolled at the two largest campuses: Bloomington (39,767) and Indianapolis (28,461) Over 1,100 different degree offerings * enrollment statistics based on Spring 2013 enrollment

4 IU’S STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM PeopleSoft CS 9.0  Bundle 29 (implemented June 8, 2013) PeopleTools 8.52 Oracle 11g

5 IU CUSTOMIZATIONS TO PEOPLESOFT Multi-institution modifications include  All eight campuses share a single database  Single transcript  Coursework from all campuses combined into a single transcript  Single Course Catalog  Courses share a course id  Campus identified at course offering level  AAR can use data from all institutions if programmed to do so  Planner is organized by Career rather than institution Statistics are computed by Career and Program (2GPA)

6 CUSTOMIZATIONS CONTINUED… Planner  Ability to add course notes and term notes  Enhanced ease of functionality (collapse all, expand all, etc.)  Ability to send planner content for review and comment to an assigned advisor Class search Academic Advisement Report (AAR)  Run dynamically on request  Display exceptions directly on AAR  Course list display Registration and waitlist  Include in-progress courses in prerequisite checking  Added waitlist-any functionality (allows student to waitlist any class, including a new class if one is added) My Advisees/Advisor Assign  Expanded concept to include multiple advisor types and Advising Office  Added parameters and visual display to enhance case management advising

7 BUSINESS PROCESSES - IN TRANSITION Historically, processes have been largely decentralized with variations by campus and school. Recently went through a trustee-mandated benchmarking and business process review with Accenture. Consequently, we are moving to shared services model for student services.

8 HISTORY AND BIRD’S EYE VIEW Awareness-  Of a number of initiatives, plans, thoughts and ideas all had related goals Input from students-  Too much information in too many places Broadly defined, the goals included –  Improve retention and success  Improve time to graduation  Enhance the undergraduate experience

9 It is intended to promote student learning and development, to engage students with a suite of interactive tools designed to explore and enhance the college experience, and to provide a clear path to academic and career goals. The power of the IU Academic Roadmap will be actualized through a suite of integrated tools that link student information with degree planning tools, advising records, and opportunities to reflect on all aspects of the undergraduate experience. IU ACADEMIC ROADMAP

10 BEGINNINGS Conceived as part of a customized web portal Engage students with interactive tools Enhance the college experience Promote student learning and development Provide clear path the career goals New student environment Suite of tools needs to be presented to students in a new and engaging way

11 KEY ROADMAP TOOLS 1.Personal Development Plan (ePDP)/Portfolio 2.IU-FLAGS  Fostering Learning and Graduation Success  Enterprise early alert system  Student Performance Roster  Advising Records  Analytics 3.Degree Achievement  Includes a suite of tools for degree exploration and planning that enables students to explore potential courses and degrees, to identify courses that could count toward those degrees, to visually track their progress toward their degree goals, and to help students to register for courses efficiently.

12 ELEMENTS OF DEGREE ACHIEVEMENT 1.Class Search and Registration: enhanced search based on requirements and interests, new course and class descriptions. 2.At-a-glance representation of courses taken and degree requirements met and still to be met (pre-populated degree plans, critical courses, degree audit). 3.Course Management – Enrollment Shopping Cart, calendar, and workload integration. 4.Planning and exploration tools (e.g., transfer credit, integration of study abroad, internships).

13 HOW TO ACHIEVE OUR GOALS IU resources are tight… The University of Washington (UW) was developing functionality, similar to the path we wanted to take, called MyPlan The goal for UW’s MyPlan was for it to become a contribution to Kuali Student at some point  Kuali Student is an open-source student information system being developed by teams from several institutions in the U.S., Canada, and South Africa  See for more information IU saw this as an opportunity to leverage UW’s code and participate in developing a core module that would be contributed back to Kuali Student

14 DELIVERABLES/TIMELINES 7/18/13 Production Date New front-end that delivers an enhanced course and class search that provides the ability to:  Search using a variety of terms—subject, course catalog number, keyword, etc.—all from one search box  Search for both courses and scheduled classes  See when a course is typically offered and when it is actually scheduled  Find classes that are offered online  Narrow the search results according to a variety of criteria  View a list of search terms related to the present search  View course catalog, bulletin, and class descriptions  Bookmark courses for later reference  Add courses to the PeopleSoft Planner

15 DELIVERABLES/TIMELINES, CONT’D… Production Date 9/12/13 Kuali Student Academic Planning (KSAP) Planner with integration to PS Planner Schedule build functionality based on courses in KSAP Planner Integration with PeopleSoft Shopping Cart for registration activity Term Notes and Course Notes Ability for student to save a static view of planner for Advisor comment TBD Visual representation of degree progress Degree Audit functionality

16 BRIDGING DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INSTITUTIONS Challenge #1  IU allows a student to put a course in the PS Planner more than one time  UW Myplan “core” code - Item can only be in planner one time – either in Bookmarks or Planned items Challenge #2  IU has functionality called Block Enrollment – a “fake” course with sections of other courses under it for registration – we needed to determine how to display this concept Challenge #3  IU has multiple primaries (graded sections) for the secondaries (lab, discussion) – UW only has one primary - we handled this by repeating the secondaries under each graded section


18 ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS  Kuali Rice (KR)  Kuali Rapid Application Development (KRAD) – framework for Kuali Student  Kuali Student (KS)  KSAP (Kuali Student Academic Planning) – in development at KS level  PS database  KS database

19 TECHNICAL LAYERS  Presentation  Controller  This is like the traffic cop – it takes input from a front-end action, validates the data, decides what service to call  Service  The service is responsible for selecting data from or updating the database and returning a response through the controller to the front- end


21 Presentation Layer - KRAD Search offerings Add offerings to Planner Select Schedule and add to Shopping Cart Student login Controller Designed using KS concepts (learning units, registration groups, Reg Cart) with KS SME’s Service Layer Search Controller Registration Controller Data Access Layer Kuali Student Accepts requests from user, calls service methods based on user action and passes data back – KS Defined Data Access Layer AcademicPlanService Component Interface PS Web Services SisAcademicPlanService Kuali Student DAO PeopleSoft Service Contracts and method signatures defined for KS Enrollment Alternate implementation of method to interface with PeopleSoft – Adheres to KS service / method signature Utilize existing PeopleSoft Component Interfaces / Web Services where possible

22 FUTURE PLANS – IU AND KUALI IU has signed an agreement with Kuali to fund two Parallel Development Teams (PDT) PDT #1 Work with UW to continue building the core KSAP layer for contribution to KS IU KSAP - Phase 1 (9/12/13) IU KSAP - Phase 2 (December 2013) KSAP - Targeted public release (April 2014) Work on KS Registration Student View - Presentation, Controller and Services layer integrated with PS - development begins January 2014 Concurrent development on IU version of the KS Registration Student View PDT #2 Will contribute to the current work effort on the KS Enrollment module

23 QUESTIONS? Caryn Castellan, Sandy Thompson,


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