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Texas Department of Public Safety Emergency Plan Management.

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1 Texas Department of Public Safety Emergency Plan Management

2 Texas Department of Public Safety Overview What is TDEM ePlan Management? TDEM ePlan Management Application—a Web interface in which EMCs can submit emergency plans and gauge the status of these plans.

3 Texas Department of Public Safety TDEM ePlan The TDEM ePlan Management application enables EMCs and local officials to better manage their jurisdiction’s emergency plans. Instead of mailing or faxing paper emergency plans to TDEM, EMCs can now submit your new plans through the ePlan Management application.

4 Texas Department of Public Safety TDEM ePlan Features With the TDEM ePlan Management application, EMCs can: View your current jurisdiction preparedness profile Download annex templates Submit emergency plan documents View the status of annex documents

5 Texas Department of Public Safety Viewing Current Preparedness Profile After obtaining a login from Texas DPS Apps Website (, you can log in and view general information about your emergency jurisdiction, as shown below.

6 Texas Department of Public Safety Downloading Annex Templates Emergency plans contain several sections, or annexes, that each Texas jurisdiction must re-submit every five years to meet compliance. When beginning the emergency plan process, EMCs must use the most current TDEM templates to ensure compliance. Using the TDEM ePlan Management application, you can download the most current Microsoft Word version for each annex. To download the current annex, select the following link:

7 Texas Department of Public Safety Submit Annexes for Review After downloading an emergency plan annex template and defining the required information, you can use the TDEM ePlan Management application to submit one or more annexes to TDEM for review. To submit one or more documents: 1.Locate the appropriate row in the Emergency Plan Annexes section of the page, such as Annex B as shown below.

8 Texas Department of Public Safety Submit Annexes for Review (continued) 2.Select the Browse button. 3.In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to the location on your computer or server where you saved the annex to submit. 4.Verify the Upload path is correct. 5.To upload additional annexes, repeat steps 1-4. 6.Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Upload button. 7.The page indicates when the upload was successful.

9 Texas Department of Public Safety Submit Annexes for Review (continued) After you submit annexes, the TDEM ePlan application will send you an email once the system has received the documents.

10 Texas Department of Public Safety Approval Emails When a TDEM Planner reviews and approves your annex, the system sends you an email like the following.

11 Texas Department of Public Safety Deficiencies Found Emails When a TDEM Planner reviews your annex and finds deficiencies, the system sends you an email like the following.

12 Texas Department of Public Safety Jurisdiction Preparedness Report When your emergency preparedness level changes—such as when Annexes are approved—the ePlan application will automatically send you an email with the Preparedness Report attached, as shown below.

13 Texas Department of Public Safety Jurisdiction Preparedness Report Preparedness Reports provide a snapshot of the jurisdiction’s preparedness level at a given point in time, including: – Preparedness level: Pending, Basic, Intermediate or Advanced. – Dates of legally-binding documents. – Status on emergency plan annexes: such as if the documents are in TDEM review.

14 Texas Department of Public Safety COG/DC Preparedness Report For members of Councils of Government or Disaster Coordinators, the system automatically sends a compiled Prep Report for the preparedness level of each jurisdiction in the COG or DC.

15 Texas Department of Public Safety Use the Help link on the top of the application to access more information on using the TDEM ePlan.

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