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FY 2014-2015 Budget Presentation to Board of Finance March 26, 2014 LAND USE BUREAU Norman Cole, Bureau Chief.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 2014-2015 Budget Presentation to Board of Finance March 26, 2014 LAND USE BUREAU Norman Cole, Bureau Chief."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 2014-2015 Budget Presentation to Board of Finance March 26, 2014 LAND USE BUREAU Norman Cole, Bureau Chief

2 Summary of Operating Budget Request Total Funding Request FY 14-15 (All Activities) $2,049,353 Change from FY 13-14 Adopted$458,671.75 Human Capital/Personnel FY 14-15 (All Activities) Transportation Planner Land Use Inspector Change from FY 13-14 AdoptedAddition of Land Use Inspector and Transportation Planner, approximate total $170,000.00 2

3 Operating Budget Request by Activity Activity Name Starting Page Number FY 14-15 Mayor’s Request FY 13-14 Adopted $ Change% Change Land Use Admin. 147$329,976$279,144$49,83215.1% Planning152$723,792$529,418$194,37426.9% Zoning156$575,853$414,877$160,97628.0% Zoning Board of Appeals 161$122,982$112,629$10,3538.4% Environ. Protection 165$296,750$258,925$37,82512.2% 3

4 Operational Highlights No changes are proposed in the programs, responsibilities or initiatives of the Land Use Bureau, which are largely defined by Charter and Ordinance. The Land Use Bureau will continue to provide support to the four land use boards (Planning, Zoning, EPB and ZBA) and to conduct park and open space planning, support the Sustainable Stamford Program, prepare a recommended Capital Budget, administer long range land use planning programs, enforce zoning regulations and review development proposals. Major activities and highlights for 2013-1014 include the following: Citywide Master Plan Update - on budget and scheduled to complete in the first quarter 2014- 15. Glenbrook/Springdale Transit Oriented Development Study - on budget and scheduled to complete in first quarter 2014-15 West Side Transportation Study - to kickoff April 1, 2014. Major Development Projects - South End development is 50% complete. 585 residential units were approved in the last 12 months and more than 1,400 residential units are under review. Capital Budget planning – 2014-15 budget completed within Charter timeline. 4

5 Financial Highlights The Land Use Bureau typically operates within its budget with salaries comprising 97.5% of the total. Annual revenues from permit fees total approximately $350,000. Budget increases for 2014- 15 are for driven by refilling the Transportation Planner and Land Use Inspector positions. 5

6 Cost Management o 2300 Land Use Administration Cost Management Actions Taken in 2013/2014 Worked within allotted budget. o 2310 Planning Cost Management Actions taken in 2013/2014 Worked within allotted budget. o 2320 Zoning Cost Management Actions taken in 2013/2014 Worked within allotted budget. o 2330 Zoning Board of Appeals Cost Management Actions taken in 2013/2014 Worked within allotted budget. o 2340 Environmental Protection Cost Management Actions taken in 2013/2014 Worked within allotted budget. 6

7 Significant Requests for 2014-2015 Addition of 2 new positions; Transportation Planner and Land Use Inspector. Increase in insurances with the additions of Classified Pension Fund and OPEB Contribution. Contractual wage and step increases. 7

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