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Boy Scout Advancement Training for Patrol Leaders (Pathfinder Program)

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2 Boy Scout Advancement Training for Patrol Leaders (Pathfinder Program)

3 Introduction The purpose of the this training is to provide Patrol Leaders with a resource to guide new scouts through rank advancements. The website is based on the week long Pathfinder program that is done at the Forest Lawn summer camp for the Los Angeles Area Council.

4 Background of Pathfinder Program The Pathfinder program is a week long, five period class given at Summer Camp at the Los Angeles Area Council’s Forest lawn Scout Reservation. It covers basic scout skills needed to achieve the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class Ranks

5 Overview of Patrol leader Leadership Responsibility Rank Advancement is one of the responsibilities of a Patrol Leader. Training new scouts in skills is a way for a Patrol Leader to demonstrate leadership and show their readiness for their own next rank advancement. A Patrol Leader should be able to guide a new Scout to Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks.

6 When to work on Rank Advancements The Patrol Meeting is a key place to work on advancement. Troop Outings is another place the Patrol Leader can work on advancements of his patrol members. One way to do this is each month work on one skill.

7 Scout Skills Groups and Sample Patrol Meeting Schedule First Aid- September Nature Observation- October( Fall Camporee Camping/Troop Activities-November Citizenship- December (Flag Ceremony as a Patrol) Cooking- January Knots and Ropes- February( Scout Skills Field Day) Compass and Orienteering-March Knife/Ax-April( Spring Camporee) Citizenship/Scouting Spirit-May

8 Overview of Skills The Scout Handbook is broken down into 19 chapters. At summer camp the Pathfinder Program introduces a new scout to the skills needed to achieve the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class Ranks. These skills fall into the following areas:

9 Overview of Skills (cont.) First Aid Nature Observation Camping/Troop ActivitiesCitizenship CookingKnots and Ropes CompassKnife/Ax Scouting Spirit

10 Scout Skills and Scout Manual Cross Reference The following pages provide a cross reference of the Scout Skills Categories and the Rank Advancement Requirement. This can be helpful in meeting planning

11 Skill Area - First Aid

12 Suggestion-First Aid The First Aid Merit Badge Requirement #1 is as follows: Satisfy your counselor that you have current knowledge of all first-aid requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. Learning these skills during Patrol Meetinsg will help Scouts meet the requirements for this Eagle Required Badge. Summer Camp is also a good place to earn this Merit Badge

13 Skill Area Nature Observation

14 Suggestion-Nature Observation At every camping troop outing find some part of nature to observe as a patrol. Example; Plants, animal traces, etc. Summer Camp is another good place to work on this.

15 Skill Area -Camping/Troop Activity

16 Skill Area -Citizenship

17 Skill Area -Cooking

18 Skill Area –Knots and Ropes

19 Skill Area –Compass

20 Skill Area –Knife/Ax

21 Suggestion-Knife Ax At one camp out have an adult leader work with your patrol on knife and ax skills to earn their toten-chip card.

22 Skill Area – Scouting Spirit

23 Skill Area – Swimming

24 Suggestion– Swimming Have your Patrol Members work on the Swimming Merit Badge at Summer Camp. There are rank advancement related requirements in this merit badge. Second Class rank requirements 7a through 7c First Class rank requirements 9a through 9c

25 Summary Use Patrol Meetings and Troop Outings to work on advancements Have a plan for each Patrol meeting to work on a skill/requirements. Spend a month if needed to work on a skill area. Have team competitions practice skills. Sign off on requirements as they are completed. If you have any questions ask your Patrol Advisor or Senior Patrol Leader for guidance

26 Click on the link bellow to view video on Troop Meeting Planning ( requires Real Audio)

27 Junior Leader References Troop Meeting Planner- BSA National Council Forms Website First Class Tracking Sheet-BSA National Council Forms Website

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