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2007/12/08-10 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 1 XRT Observation Planning R.Kano (NAOJ) and XRT team.

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Presentation on theme: "2007/12/08-10 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 1 XRT Observation Planning R.Kano (NAOJ) and XRT team."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007/12/08-10 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 1 XRT Observation Planning R.Kano (NAOJ) and XRT team.

2 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 2 2007/12/08-10 Weekly Meeting On Thursday (JST),  We have a weekly XRT-team meeting via teleconference, and discuss the current status and the next week observations and operations. On Friday (JST),  In a weekly (Hinode team) meeting, XRT-CO (Chief Observer) request and explain the XRT weekly plan, and discuss the Hinode weekly plan with others (SOT-CO, EIS-CO, CP and some experts) based on the results of the monthly meeting. One of the XRT team member is assigned as XRT-CO each week (From Friday to Friday).

3 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 3 2007/12/08-10

4 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 4 2007/12/08-10

5 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 5 2007/12/08-10 Daily Meeting From 10:30JST, the daily meeting starts. In the meeting,  We confirm the Hinode pointing plan for today. If necessary, we can adjust the pointing targets.  We make the Hinode pointing plan for tomorrow. We request the XRT synoptic observation 4 times in a day around 0, 6, 12, and 18 UT. (It can be reduced to 2 times in a day in some cases.)

6 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 6 2007/12/08-10

7 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 7 2007/12/08-10 Hinode Pointing Plan: “re-pointing and tracking schedule” /* re-pointing and tracking schedule */ Fm: 2007/11/28 04:00:00 To: 2007/11/30 11:11:00 /* Date Time Tracking Offset-X Offset-Y */ /* (UT) Curve No. (deg) (deg) */ Latest re-pointing 2007/11/28 00:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* Format example, meaningless pointing information : */ AOCS Mem-Upload-01 2007/11/28 08:43:36 /* Memory upload : # */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 10:06:00 4 00.0000 00.0000 /* 151.5/ -186.6 : # OP start + 10min, track small emerging region */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 10:53:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted 47.0 min */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 11:03:00 4 00.0000 00.0000 /* 160.2/ -186.5 : # Cont. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 17:46:30 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted -13.5 min */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 17:56:30 0 00.0000 00.2625 /* -945.0/ 0.0 : # HOP 54, transient horiz fields */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 00:01:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted 1.0 min */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 00:11:00 0 00.0000 00.2625 /* -945.0/ 0.0 : # Cont. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 06:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 06:10:00 4 00.0000 00.0000 /* 331.8/ -183.9 : # Track small emerging region */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 10:44:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : Backup plan */ /* End of re-pointing and tracking schedule */ /* AOCS Tracking Parameters before the memory upload */ TR_MEM_ID:01-200711270100-01 /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track 1 2007/11/26 18:00:00 00.00 01.48 0.00015439 Track 2 2007/11/27 10:54:00 00.00 01.39 0.00015439 Track 3 2007/11/22 18:08:13 -01.98 -04.45 0.00015426 Track 4 2007/11/25 10:43:13 -30.44 -09.76 0.00015368 /* New AOCS Tracking Parameters after the memory upload*/ TR_MEM_ID:01-200711280200-02 Fm: 2007/11/28 10:06:00 /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track 1 2007/11/26 18:00:00 00.00 01.48 0.00015439 Track 2 2007/11/27 10:54:00 00.00 01.39 0.00015439 Track 3 2007/11/22 18:08:13 -01.98 -04.45 0.00015426 Track 4 2007/11/25 10:43:13 -30.44 -09.76 0.00015368 /* End of Tracking Curve Information */

8 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 8 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Planning XRT-CO makes tomorrow’s plan with COT (Chief Observer Tool).  Prepare XOB (XRT Observation Table).  Create a timeline.  Check the data rate of the timeline. For daily planning, XRT-CO communicates with XRT members, other COs and proposers of observations, if necessary. Here, I explain the outline by using the final product of the COT, a list of XOB and a timeline chart.

9 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 9 2007/12/08-10 A List of XOB

10 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 10 2007/12/08-10 A Timeline Chart

11 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 11 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB) In MDP, 20 PROGrams can be stored. In this test case, 5 PROGrams will be used. XOB#143B and #1460 for Synoptic Obs. XOB#1471 for AR Obs. XOB#1472 for QS Obs. XOB#137B for Backup plan. Only the PROGram which is not stored in MDP will be uploaded with the real-time operation.

12 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 12 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation This is a PROGram. One PROGram calls Subroutins up to 8 times. One Subroutin calls Sequences up to 8 times. One Sequence calls exposures up to 8 times.

13 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 13 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation FW1 / FW2VL shutterImage TypeExp. DurationRes.FOV size (center)C ompression AECInterval

14 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 14 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation Al-mesh filter images with short (0.5s) & long (8s) exposures, to cover the wider dynamic range.

15 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 15 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation Ti-poly filter images with short (1s) & long (16s) exposures.

16 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 16 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation A dark image to subtract the CCD bias and dark current.

17 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 17 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation A G-band image with opening the visible-light shutter.

18 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 18 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation Al-poly filter images with short (0.5s) & long (11s) exposures.

19 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 19 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation C-poly filter images with short (1s) & long (16s) exposures.

20 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 20 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation The PROGram #17 runs only once, and then stops. Every Sequence and the Subroutine are called once.

21 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 21 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation

22 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 22 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation Al-poly, A-poly+Al-mesh, A-poly+Ti-poly, and Ti-poly images with a small FOV are taken with 3 rd set of AEC thresholds.  There are 7 different sets of AEC thresholds. (“0” means disable.) And, a dark image with the same FOV.

23 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 23 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation Al-poly image with a small FOV are taken with 1 st set of AEC thresholds.

24 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 24 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation The PROGram #04 continues with endless. The Subroutine #1 is called once in every 10 min*.  The Subroutine #2 is running during this 10 min (=15 x 40 sec). The Subroutine #2 is called once in every 40 sec*.  * The duration becomes long, if exposure durations are elongated by AEC.

25 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 25 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): an Active Region Observation Thin-Be, Al-poly, A-poly+Ti-poly, and Ti-poly images with a small FOV are taken with 3 rd set of AEC thresholds.  There are 7 different sets of AEC thresholds. (“0” means disable.) And, a dark image with the same FOV.

26 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 26 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): an Active Region Observation Al-poly, and A-poly+Ti-poly images with a small FOV are taken with 1 st set of AEC thresholds.

27 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 27 2007/12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): an Active Region Observation The PROGram #09 continues with endless. The Subroutine #1 is called once in every 10 min*. The Subroutine #2 is called once in every 25 sec*.  * The duration becomes long, if exposure durations becomes long with AEC contols.

28 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 28 2007/12/08-10 Timeline Synoptic AR Obs.

29 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 29 2007/12/08-10 Timeline (cont.) Synoptic AR Obs. QS Obs.

30 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 30 2007/12/08-10 Timeline (cont.) Synoptic QS Obs. AR Obs. Backup

31 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 31 2007/12/08-10 Data Rate The total data rate is estimated to 400kbps. XRT is typically allocated 15%. It corresponds ~ 600 k pixel / min, in the case of the DPCM compression. Kano et al. 2007, Solar Physics, in press.

32 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 32 2007/12/08-10 Data Rate (cont.)

33 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 33 2007/12/08-10 In the Next Day … After the daily meeting, XRT-CO confirms that the XRT plan finally compiled by the chief planner (CP) has no error.

34 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 34 2007/12/08-10 Weekly Operations Once in a week, we usually do the followings.  Take a complete set of the dark images for near future the dark database.  Take a multi-filter full disk images.  Re-calibration of Focus position.

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