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Karen Corlyn Lee Ann Pruske Making Mathematics Meaningful and Memorable Paige Richards Mary Mooney

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Presentation on theme: "Karen Corlyn Lee Ann Pruske Making Mathematics Meaningful and Memorable Paige Richards Mary Mooney"— Presentation transcript:

1 Karen Corlyn Lee Ann Pruske Making Mathematics Meaningful and Memorable Paige Richards Mary Mooney Association of Mathematical Teacher Educators Tulsa, Oklahoma January 24-26,2008 Hank Kepner

2 Teachers-in-Residence Experienced teachers from Milwaukee Public Schools. On special assignment at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Link academic teacher preparation and urban classroom practice. Align teacher preparation and K-12 reform initiatives.

3 MET Report Recommendations The mathematical education of teachers should be seen as a partnership between mathematics faculty and mathematics education faculty. There needs to be more collaboration between mathematics faculty and school mathematics teachers. Prospective teachers need mathematics courses that develop a deep understanding of the mathematics that they teach.

4 University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Milwaukee Area Technical College Milwaukee Public Schools

5 University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Milwaukee Area Technical College Milwaukee Public Schools MMP

6 Mathematics Course Work Mathematical Explorations for Elementary Teachers I and II Mathematics Methods for Elementary and Middle School. Discrete Probability and Statistics for Elementary Teachers Geometry for Elementary Teachers Problem Solving and Critical Thinking for Elementary Teachers Algebraic Structures for Elementary Teachers Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence (MCEA) Math Minor Core courses for MCEA majors

7 Mathematicians Mathematics Educators Teachers-in- Residence

8 National Research Council’s Strands of Proficiency Adding It Up, 2001 Adaptive Reasoning Strategic Competence Conceptual Understanding Productive Disposition Procedural Fluency

9 Framework

10 Middle School Math Methods Discrete Probability and Statistical Analysis Algebra Structures Karen Corlyn MPS Middle School Teacher-in-Residence @ UWM

11 It’s about making it accessible


13 Negations of Statements Utilizing Quantifiers. StatementNegation Some a are b. (Some cats are black) No a is b. (No cat is black) Some a are not b. (Some cats are not black) All a are b. (All cats are black) All a are b. (All cats are black) Some a are not b. (Some cats are not black) No a is b. (No cat is black) Some a are b. (Some cats are black)

14 It’s about making it accessible


16 It’s about making relevant connections





21 It’s about building understanding Laura and Maddie using manipulatives (two color counters and Hershey Kisses) to solve the equation:

22 Most of all, It’s all about the conversations...

23 Framework

24 Lee Ann Pruske MPS Elementary School Teacher-in-Residence @ UWM Elementary School Math Methods Geometry Problem Solving

25 Collaboration... "The TIR's bring the perspective of how to present this (the content) in an elementary classroom, and what a teacher could expect from the elementary school students. They ground the course and make it relevant to the future experience of the prospective teachers” Gabriella Pinter, PhD

26 Geometry on the Sphere

27 Collaboration... “The TIR's move the class to hands-on activities and discussions quickly. This opens up the classroom to a different level of discourse and involvement than is usually found in a university math class.” “The TIR's look more critically at who is in a presentation group, adjusting group dynamics to enhance presentations and problem solving" Gabriella Pinter, PhD

28 Paige Richards MPS Elem. School Teacher-in-Residence @ UWM & MATC Co-teach mathematics foundations courses at MATC. Design, implement and supervise math internships. Facilitate the student transition from MATC to UWM School of Education.

29 Collaboration... "As a mathematician, I can attest that the greatest addition our TIR has brought to the content courses in mathematics for elementary teachers at this college has been her knowledge and experience of pedagogical issues. Her K-12 classroom expertise has been invaluable in the transformation of our pre- service teacher courses.” David Ruszkiewicz, MATC

30 Mary Mooney MPS High School Teacher-in-Residence @ UWM Secondary School Math Methods Middle School Math Methods High School Algebra Labs

31 Framework

32 This material was developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0314898. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.

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