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Health IT Policy Committee Meeting Data Analytics Update January 13, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Health IT Policy Committee Meeting Data Analytics Update January 13, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health IT Policy Committee Meeting Data Analytics Update January 13, 2015

2 Describe eligible hospital attestation patterns Define stage 2 eligible providers Describe preliminary stage 2 attestation patterns 2 AGENDA

3 Attestation trends

4 Historically, many eligible providers did not attest until after the close of the fiscal (hospitals) or calendar (professionals) year First-time meaningful use attestations by the quarter the attestation was submitted

5 Eligible hospital FY2014 attestations followed historical trends N=3,592. CMS EHR Incentive Program data through November 30, 2014. Hospitals have until December 31, 2014, to attest to FY2014 Meaningful Use activity. Last day for Medicare Subsection (d) EHs to attest to MU to avoid payment adjustments

6 Stage 2 attestations

7 Not all eligible providers are able to attest to stage 2 in 2014 Proportion of eligible providers by meaningful use eligibility stage Only eligible providers who have completed two years of stage 1 meaningful use (i.e. those that first attested in 2011 or 2012), are eligible to attest to stage 2 in 2014. Eligible Professionals Eligible Hospitals and CAHs N=537,600 N=4,993

8 With one month remaining to attest, almost 8 in 10 stage 2-eligible hospitals have attested *Stage 2-eligible hospitals that attested to stage 1 meaningful use took advantage of the Flexibility Rule options. Among stage 2-eligible hospitals that attested to stage 1, 65% attested using 2014 certified EHR technology; 13% used a combination of 2011 and 2014 certified EHR technology; 23% used 2011 certified EHR technology. Eligible Hospitals and CAHs N=2,115 N=4,993

9 Preliminary stage 2-eligible professional attestations, with 3 months remaining for EPs to attest Eligible Professionals *Stage 2-eligible EPs that attested to stage 1 meaningful use took advantage of the Flexibility Rule options. Among stage 2-eligible EPs that attested to stage 1, 25% attested using 2014 certified EHR technology; 7% used a combination of 2011 and 2014 certified EHR technology; 68% used 2011 certified EHR technology. N=24,783 N=537,600

10 Summary

11 Historically, eligible hospitals and professionals attest after their reporting year closes – Most hospitals attested after FY2014 closed – Eligible professionals have until February 2015 to attest Not all EPs and EHs are eligible for stage 2 – 56% of EHs are eligible – 42% of EPs are eligible Among providers eligible for stage 2 in 2014: – More than 8 in 10 hospitals have attested; among those, 77% attested to stage 2 – 13% of professionals have attested; of those, almost 6 in 10 attested to stage 2 11

12 Questions

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