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Membership webinar July 28, 2014 District 6040 Cassy Venters, Governor.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership webinar July 28, 2014 District 6040 Cassy Venters, Governor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership webinar July 28, 2014 District 6040 Cassy Venters, Governor

2 How to Participate Today Open and close your Panel View, Select, and Test your audio Submit text questions Raise your hand Q&A addressed at the end of today’s session Today’s session is being recorded

3 Governor Cassy Membership is our #1 priority


5 Share with others challenge your members to share Rotary with family friends fellow professionals new members to community

6 Share with others The club needs to have and use a valid sharing plan, such as a Five for One plan

7 Sharing plan T he Rotary Club of __________ hereby adopts and implements a sharing plan: the “Five for One” plan. The President, consulting with the Membership chair, shall appoint as members of the membership committee one of every five Rotarians in the club. Each committee member shall serve as the leader of a team of five. The other four members shall be appointed by the President, Membership chair, or randomly assigned [choose one]. Thus, our club will have ___ teams. Each team will have a goal to recruit at least one new member during the Rotary year (July-June). At the discretion of the President and Membership chair, after consulting with the Board, a contest between the teams may be organized during the Rotary year (July- June). Adopted this ___day of ______, 2014, by the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of _________________. ___________________Attest: ___________________ PresidentSecretary

8 Share electronically put your club on Facebook attach link in emails/text messages site quickly answers “What is Rotary?” & “Why join Rotary?”

9 O rient and mentor Treat a new member as the most important member in the club. Adapt to them. Don’t make them adapt to the club.

10 A Plan for orientation/mentoring 1. President appoints Membership chair. 2. Chair holds information session with new member. (Mentor should be present at information session.) 3. President performs induction ceremony at club meeting. 4. Mentor, appointed by President, assists new member for first few months.

11 Orientation information session “off the shelf” A 25-slide session is on the district website. “Orientation in PDF format.” Detailed text is the next entry on website. “Rotarian Orientation – Slide Notes.” District website also has “Prospective and Current Member Interest Finder.”

12 Induction Ceremony The district website has eight different induction ceremonies, word-for word. Invite the family of the new member. Make it special!

13 ___________ Rotary Club New Member Service Orientation Name_____________________________ Mentor ____________________________ Attend New Member information session ________________(Mentor) Attend 3 meetings per month for 3 months ________________(Mentor) Attend another Rotary Club with mentor, sponsor or another member, and receive 1 month credit for attendance goal _______________(Mentor) Date Mentor Serve as Greeter four times ________ ____________ ________ ____________ ________ _____________ ________ _____________ Participate in club activity or social ________ ___________________ Join one committee: _____________________ ________ ____________________ Give a vocational talk ________ ____________________ Invite one prospective member, guest, or family member to a club meeting ________ ___________________ Rotarian’s Signature ____________________________________________________ Mentor’s Signature _____________________________________________________ Upon completion, turn in to the Membership Chair.

14 Attract to Rotary Club meetings have great fellowship and stimulating programs Club sends weekly newsletter to all members – either electronically or hard copy Club (current) Website shows membership, programs, projects, and achievements

15 For the Presidential Citation, a club must  involve each member in leadership (a committee)  Induct spouse of a member  Induct one or more RI/Rotary Foundation program alumni, or Rotaractor  Increase diversity with 2 new members (e.g., classification, gender, age, ethnicity)

16 Sustain the growth Presidential Citation for 2014-15 ❑ minimum net gain of at least one member between 1 July 2014 and 1 March 2015  more points for more members, and Governor’s goal

17 Rotary documents Club Membership manual ent/531 Membership Development Resource guide ent/573

18 get organized who what when where why how

19 Governor Cassy asks each president to : Get organized on sharing with others and attracting to Rotary.

20 20 The Cycle of Growth Value Engagement Retention Attraction Attract Engage Value Retain

21 QUESTIONS? Any time, any way, let Sandra and Duane know how they can help you.

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