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About us Global software and international consulting firm Founded in 1997 in Washington DC area 200+ employees worldwide.

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2 About us

3 Global software and international consulting firm Founded in 1997 in Washington DC area 200+ employees worldwide

4 MIS projects in 55 countries globally

5 Synergy International Systems, Inc. Clients & Partners

6 Disaster Management MIS Development Assistance Database (DAD ) PFM Systems Judicial Case Management Systems Education MIS Health Information Management Systems Content Management Systems Enterprise Project Portfolio MIS Products

7 Key Projects

8 Development Assistance Database (DAD) Implemented in 35 countries around the world in partnership with UNDP Aligned with global best practices in aid transparency and effectiveness Adapted to the context and needs of each implementing country Integrated data collection, reporting, and analysis

9 Evolution of DAD 1997200520102014 Basic DAD PIP M&E Integration

10 Global, web-based Project Monitoring MIS Agencies reporting to the system: USAID Dept. of Agriculture MCC Dept. of Treasury Peace Corps Basis for progress reports Tracks over 2000 activities, 100 indicators in more than 70 countries Multi-year, multi- billion dollar USG initiative

11 Publicly accessible Kenya’s national, gov’t-wide MIS – eProMIS Covers dev. assistance public investment projects ~ 1,200 users

12 Web-based MIS for “One UN” Plan 5-year portfolio, >2300 activities, total budget of $775 million Integrated planning, monitoring, and reporting by all UN agencies

13 Afghanistan SBPS – PFM combined with aid coordination System fully implemented and owned by Afghan MoF Budget planning, allocation, execution and forecasting

14 Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) M&E systems Countries Armenia Cape Verde Lesotho Mozambique Philippines (PROMMES) Tanzania Common capabilities MCA Compact performance tracking Program-level M&E Procurement & Contract mgmt. Advanced GIS (Smartphone app)

15 US Government M&E Systems Feed the Future (FTFMS) M&E for food security initiative globally USAID Mission- level M&E MIS Tracking full USAID project portfolios in Somalia, Yemen, and Lebanon MERIDA M&E MIS Evaluating anti- drug trafficking programs in Mexico

16 Court Case Management Systems (CMS) Iraq Lesotho Tanzania Case processing transferred from paper to electronic

17 Managing CCTs in Timor-Leste Conditional Cash Transfers benefiting: Single parents (Mother’s Purse) Elderly & Disabled Internally displaced persons House reconstruction (post-Tsunami) Beneficiary applications Automated scoring of eligibility ID Verification

18 PMESD - Philippines Disaster Recovery Management system Coordination of disaster needs reporting and recovery projects Deployment fast-tracked following Typhoon Haiyan

19 Why choose Synergy?

20 MIS Software Solution Intelligent Data Manager™ (IDM)

21 Flexible Scalable End-to-End Proven

22 Efficient delivery of proven solution at competitive cost

23 Our Methodology

24 Incorporating M&E Frameworks

25 Development Expertise Skilled staff with cross-sector consulting experience, understanding of critical organizational processes Information systems analysis, design, development, deployment and technical support services Comprehensive capacity building/ training from certified experts

26 Welcome to 2014 DAD CoP! Theme: Strengthening Country Ownership Knowledge sharing and strengthening best practices 2009, 2011 and now: 2014

27 Thank you

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