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Jews believe that GOD gave them the land of Israel

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Presentation on theme: "Jews believe that GOD gave them the land of Israel"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict “You can’t have occupation and human rights”

2 Jews believe that GOD gave them the land of Israel
Muslims believed that the land was given to Ishmael - Christians believe that Jews need to be there

3 History of the Conflict
Arabs and Jews co-existed in the land of Palestine under the rule of the Ottoman Empire So what happened? British policy during WWI: Britain told Arabs to revolt against Ottomans! In return, British would support Arab independence! Then…. -Ottomans were allied with Germany and Austria so if Arabs could revolt against them, the Ottoman empire could fall! Which would be a blow to the Central Powers.

4 History of the Conflict
To gain Jewish support during the war, Britain issued… Balfour Declaration (1917): Britain would support the idea of a national homeland for Jews! Zionist: Supporter of a homeland for the Jews in the area of Palestine. Movement began late 1800’s. Many Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in the late 1800’s. (This number escalates greatly during WWII.. Why??) BD: British say they are going to support the creation of a Jewish state.

5 What happens after the wars?
WORLD WAR I( ) League of nations: Say new lands of Ottoman Empire not ready for independence SO, Britain and France govern the are of Palestine! World War II ( ) Britain turns Palestine over to United Nations. UN establishes an independent Arab state AND an independent Jewish state. Again, during British rule, more and more Jews are coming in because of Hitler and Europe. And Palestinians are pretty freakin upset!! Violence and revolt. Jews accepted this plan, Arabs did not. They argued that the Jews were a minority in Palestine and that the plan left many Arabs within the Jewish state but almost no Jews in the Arab state

6 War breaks out! War between Israel and Arab states!!
Israel wins – gains 30% more territory than designated by UN plan. 700,000 Palestinians flee/were driven from land. Conflict continues from the 1940’s – present day. Peace talks of been attempted, nothing really works out.



9 Videos *******

10 Palestinians Israelis
Ancestors have been living in area nearly 2000 years Jerusalem home to 3rd most important Muslim site - Dome of the Rock/Al-Aqsa Mosque Ancestors lived in area nearly 2000 years ago Jerusalem home to most important Jewish site—Western Wall

11 Background “Current State of Affairs”
In 1, 8 sentence paragraph, summarize the current state of affairs in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

12 Current Issues Territory -Gaza: Poverty/unemployment.
Islamic Palestinian party, Hamas, very strong! Only a few Jewish settlements in Gaza – guarded heavily by Israeli soldiers -West Bank: Occupied by Israelis since 1967 Home to 2.1 million people. 200,000 Jewish settlers. 500,000 Palestinian refugees -1.9 million Palestinians in the world Palestinian and Jewish residents who live in the West Bank crossed the border into Israel each day to work!! NOW ONLY JEWS CAN DO THIS!!

13 Current Issues Security
Israel doesn’t trust Palestinian authority to protect citizens in Jewish settlements Palestinians don’t believe Israel will ever allow true self-determination. Israel withdrew troops but did they really? Israeli citizens being killed from terrorist attacks Retaliation comes in form of tanks/airpower Cannot accept Palestinian authority over occupied territories if security of Israeli citizens is not guaranteed. Palestinians claim that there was never any Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories, merely redeployment. Palestinians cannot travel to Israel to work.

14 Current Issues Settlements
Claiming of ancient biblical lands by the Jews 210,000 settlers near West Bank. Refugees 3 million Palestinians are refugees Spread out throughout Middle East

15 Settlements make peace harder
Israeli Settlements  West Bank They go to.. Settle land for Israel Religious reasons Cheap housing Settlements make peace harder Settlements make peace harder, sometimes that’s the point! For Palestinians to have a state, settlers will either need to be removed or Palestinians would have to give up some of their land. Settlements alos make life harder for Palestinians – dividing communities. US opposes Israeli settlements but they just keep doing it.

16 Current Issues Jerusalem
Originally, Jerusalem to remain under international control because of its prime status for Judaism, Islam and Christianity Israel wants to maintain control over ALL of Jerusalem… Palestinians want sovereignty over East Jerusalem and to establish it as the capital!! East Jerusalem is mostly Arab but Jewish settlements are being built

17 Current Issues Incitement How can this conflict be solved??
Hateful language, propaganda, images in school books and from media fuel violence! Both communities don’t see a lot of benefits of peace How can this conflict be solved??

18 -Countries that recognize Israel, Palestine, or both.
-Muslim-majority countries usually don’t recognize Israel to be legit. -Blue places many not recognize Palestine as a country but they still have diplomatic relations with them! But they don’t think they will reach state status.

19 Reflection Write for three minutes about BOTH of the following questions: If you were Israeli, why might you think you should live on the land that is now Israel? If you were Palestinian, why might you think you should live on the land that is now Israel?

20 Scenario The U.S. wants to begin a process that will lead to negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian leadership! Goal: To express needs and interests of the people who will ultimately have to make peace work! What issues do they have? What support do they need? What do they believe and feel?

21 Scenario Each of you will play a certain role.
You must get into character and be ready to voice your opinions about what you want or believe in. REMEMBER: Not a negotiation at first, mainly how you feel!!

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