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HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN CLASS Presented by Annie Jones, TRiO.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN CLASS Presented by Annie Jones, TRiO."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN CLASS Presented by Annie Jones, TRiO

2 Learn to adapt to each instructor … quickly  Start with and maintain a positive attitude  Figure out what is expected of you from the beginning (homework, participation, attendance)  Observe the instructors teaching style, expectations and personality

3 Be prepared for every class  Keep your tank full -- get enough rest, exercise and eat well  Do all assigned readings, and then  Skim the material for key words and main ideas  Take notes on readings and jot down any questions you have

4  Studies show…  Easier to see, hear, fewer distractions  Know what works best for you  Do NOT sit in the back and text or doodle! Sit in the front whenever possible

5 Be a good group member  This is a life skill  Do your part…well  Respect diverse ideas, be patient and open- minded  Be positive and supportive  Don’t depend on someone else to do your work

6 Be on time … every time  Better yet, be early to go over notes, socialize with peers, check in with the instructor  Announcements are usually made at the beginning, summaries at the end  If you draw attention to yourself often as the “late student” or the “early departer” it seems that you don’t care about the material or respect the instructor

7 Participate in class  It shows you are interested in the material  Helps make real connections with the lessons  Don’t worry about getting something wrong - it helps when we actively struggle with new ideas  Always get your money’s worth!

8 Communicate with your instructors  They like to get to know you  Be proactive - instructors aren’t mind-readers  Don’t hesitate to bring up questions, problems or concerns  Meet during office hours, before/after class, or send e-mail

9  Meet with or talk to your TRiO counselor at least once each month during the semester  Talk to one of us before you become overwhelmed by  Academic  Personal Life  The Balancing Act Remember, we ’ re here to support you …

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