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Kindness Pre-AP: Lesson 8. altruism Noun  Unselfish concern and actions for the welfare of others.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindness Pre-AP: Lesson 8. altruism Noun  Unselfish concern and actions for the welfare of others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindness Pre-AP: Lesson 8

2 altruism Noun  Unselfish concern and actions for the welfare of others

3 amicable Adjective  Friendly; showing goodwill Posing, smiling, hugging, the divorced Hollywood couple, acted amicable at the opening for their clothing line at Kohl’s.

4 benefactor Noun  A person who gives financial or other aid Mrs. Jones was one of the benefactors for the Bear Branch Jr. High School Scholarship presented to five Magnolia High School seniors.

5 benign Adjective  Harmless; not dangerous to health  Kind and gentle The mole above my lip, benign and unsightly, did not need to be removed.

6 bountiful Adjective  Abundant; plentiful Boxes filling, people helping, the tornadoes in Oklahoma brought about bountiful donations of diapers and other necessities from around the world.

7 civility Noun  Courteous behavior; politeness They treated each other with civility, even though they were on opposing teams.

8 exemplary Adjective  Worthy of imitation; admirable At the party, the sullen girl sat alone and didn’t say a word. Bear Branch Jr. High was given an accountability rating of exemplary by the state of Texas for having such high scores.

9 humanitarian Adjective  Intended to help others Noun  A person concerned with social reforms and improving human welfare The humanitarians helped the refugees by providing food, water, and medical treatment.

10 indulge Verb  To yield to desires or wishes Susan indulges in chocolate every Friday afternoon.

11 rectify Verb  To fix or correct; to set right Susan was trying to rectify her bad grades by studying harder.

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