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Counter Immunity of noncombatants Solidarity Human Family Terrorism Right Intention Conscientious Objector Development Institutional War Forgiveness Israel.

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Presentation on theme: "Counter Immunity of noncombatants Solidarity Human Family Terrorism Right Intention Conscientious Objector Development Institutional War Forgiveness Israel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counter Immunity of noncombatants Solidarity Human Family Terrorism Right Intention Conscientious Objector Development Institutional War Forgiveness Israel Justice Proportionality Economic Prayer Conflict Resolution Relieve International Debt Repressive Political Common Good Poverty Pacifist Cultural/Religious Rectify Trade Relationships Order

2 1. Just Cause 2. Legitimate Authority 3. Comparative Justice 4. Right Intention 5. Probability of Success 6. Proportionality 7. Last Resort a) All peaceful efforts have been exhausted b) Waged for the best reason & commitment to postwar reconciliation c) Prevent hopeless resistance d) Conflict does not produce greater evils e) War declared by person with appropriate power f) Real, grave, lasting and certain damage by an aggressor g) Values in conflict are so great, they justify killing

3 1. Just Cause 2. Legitimate Authority 3. Comparative Justice 4. Right Intention 5. Probability of Success 6. Proportionality 7. Last Resort 1. Real, grave, lasting and certain damage by an aggressor 2. War declared by person with appropriate power 3. Values in conflict are so great, they justify killing 4. Waged for the best reason & commitment to postwar reconciliation 5. Prevent homeless resistance 6. Conflict does not produce greater evils 7. All peaceful efforts have been exhausted


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