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C AREER C OUNSELING Str. Engr. Aaroon Joshua Das MS (Structures), B.E (Civil) Assistant Director Capital Development Authority ENGINEERING.

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Presentation on theme: "C AREER C OUNSELING Str. Engr. Aaroon Joshua Das MS (Structures), B.E (Civil) Assistant Director Capital Development Authority ENGINEERING."— Presentation transcript:

1 C AREER C OUNSELING Str. Engr. Aaroon Joshua Das MS (Structures), B.E (Civil) Assistant Director Capital Development Authority ENGINEERING

2 I MAGINE LIFE WITHOUT … 2 Mobile Phones Laptop Computers Cars Buildings

3 T HINK... 3 What is the first picture that come to your mind when you hear “Engineer” ??? Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer

4 W HAT IS AN E NGINEER ?? 4  Understand the necessities  Process the requirements and Design  Execute and make the concept a reality Design, Manage, Supervise, Improvise, Economize, Rectify and Maintain through basic concepts of Math and Science “Create and facilitate the world we live in…”

5 E NGINEERING D ISCIPLINES 5 Major Disciplines Other Disciplines Civil Mechanical Electrical Chemical Industrial Automotive Aerospace Agricultural Biomedical Computer Environmental Materials Nuclear Robotics Safety Structures

6 Civil Engineering Design, Construct and Quantify: Residences and Buildings Sky skyscrapers Roads and Highways Bridges Airports, Docks and Railways Cities Dams Streams Water Distribution System and Sanitation Design solutions to cope with many of our planet’s most serious problems.

7 Mechanical Engineering Concerned with design, manufacture & operation of a wide range of components, devices, or systems: Automobiles i.e., Cars, trucks etc. microscopic parts (nanotechnology) to gigantic gears heating, ventilation, refrigeration manufacturing equipment (tanks, motors, pumps) laser technology biomedical applications computer-aided design, automation, robotics Broadest of all the engineering disciplines in its range of activities

8 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Play a role in almost everything electrical we interact with on a daily basis. They design smaller, cheaper, and better: Electricity Generation and Distribution System Networks and Telecommunication System cell phones computers appliances robots Apply specialized skill to the design, manufacture, application, installation, and operation of electrical products and systems.

9 Chemical Engineering Applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems Gasoline Plastic Energy (natural gas, oil heating, coal) Adhesives Clothing Building Materials

10 Industrial Engineering Design data processing systems Integrate activities of finance, engineering and management Develop systems for planning, cost analysis, production and quality of products Stresses design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, material, and equipment for the effective production of goods or services in all types of industries

11 H OW TO BECOME AN E NGINEER 11 Aptitude, Competency and Innovation Matriculation Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) Bachelors: Admission and 4 years studies in a University Accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council* (Engineer) Masters: If need feels Specialization in any Subject (Specialist) Ph.D.: Research Visionary Studies (Researcher) *

12 J OBS AFTER E NGINEERING 12 Government Sector Executive Jobs Development, Planning and Construction and Maintenance Private Sector Managers Industrial Sector Consultants Contractors Suppliers Sole proprietor

13 D IPLOMA OF A SSOCIATE E NGINEER (DAE) 13 Diploma of Associate Engineer (D.A.E) is a 03 years duration program. Basically a Technical Course Preferable in Private Sectors due to low wages Can be done after Matriculation Not equivalent to Engineering

14 A MBITIONS … 14 First say to yourself what you would be and then do what you have to do Be consistent like the tortoise to achieve Goals

15 Thank You 15

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