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NHS 111 Service Failure Escalation and Contingency Deployment Process.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS 111 Service Failure Escalation and Contingency Deployment Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS 111 Service Failure Escalation and Contingency Deployment Process

2 Aim of the Session To equip On Call members with an understanding of their role in escalating issues affecting the delivery of an NHS 111 service across the North, including activating the national Winter Contingency Service. 2

3 NHS 111 & Winter NHS 111 is now an important access point for patients into NHS services, providing health advice and helping to determine where patients receive treatment. It is therefore anticipated that the NHS 111 service will experience significant increases in demand during winter and particularly during the days over Christmas and New Year. This is the first winter where the NHS111 service will be operating with close to full national coverage and it is essential that the service performs well so that patients receive the best support possible. Sarah Pinto-Duschinsky National Director of Operations & Delivery 3

4 NHS 111 Escalation – Why do we need it? Provide additional NHS 111 capacity if there is failure in local contingency arrangements, Enable providers to access the winter Contingency Service (WCS) during periods of operational challenges, Maintain service stability across numerous NHS 111 providers, £15m funding to support NHS 111 provided as part of the £250m winter fund from Department of Health, NHS 111 remains a high profile service attracting national interest. 4

5 NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date] 5

6 NHS 111 North Providers

7 NHS 111 Escalation - When to use it (1) Available from the 27 th November 13 to 31 st March 14 Local providers experience significant and unresolved problems When local business continuity/contingency arrangements has been exhausted Meets a strict national criteria for activating the WCS National infrastructure/software failure e.g. Adastra 7

8 NHS 111 Escalation - When to use it (2) National Contingency Capacity Criteria: Percentage of calls answered in 60 seconds is less than 60% (normal level 95%) Duration of underperformance is greater than 2 hours All internal contingency and possible capacity has been exhausted Other additional information, e.g. nurse capacity, volume shortage, sustained infrastructure outage 8

9 NHS 111 Escalation – How is it activated? 9 NHS 111 Service Area Significant Failure/under-performance Recognised Provider implements its own contingency arrangements and procedures to rectify issue quickly. If internal provider actions cannot resolve the issue the Provider Informs Lead Commissioner (CCG) on call as soon as possible by phone and confirmed in email Lead Commissioner (CCG) informs Area Team on call director** If a Technical/systems issue the Provider will raise issue with appropriate system vendor e.g. BT, Advanced and get incident number * Provider Level Actions

10 NHS 111 Escalation - How is it activated? Commissioner & Area Team 10 **Use local on call contact details

11 NHS 111 Escalation – How is it activated? Regional Team 11

12 NHS 111 Escalation National Process

13 Next Steps Training to be completed by 29 th November, Lead area teams & CCGs to be trained (2 weeks), Regional first ‘on calls’ trained in priority of on call rota, Regional Operations Team to provide support to ‘on calls’ to build confidence, Further reading to be circulated.

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