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Kolín. Industrial zone Kolín – Ovčáry Subject locality.

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1 Kolín

2 Industrial zone Kolín – Ovčáry

3 Subject locality

4 I. The preparation of strategic industrial zone PZ Kolín – Ovčáry  3 government decrees were accepted for the support of this industrial zone for a strategic investor (decrees No. 708/2001, 66/2002, 421/2002)  PZ Kolín – Ovčáry is located in the municipality of Kolín, estate location Sendražice by Kolín and the municipality of Ovčáry, estate location Ovčáry by Kolín  The area of total of 370 ha was specified within the plan of territory for this industrial zone  Total area of approximately 293 ha was prepared for the realization of individual investment intentions (the remaining zone area is used for road corridors, engineering nets, sewage plant, retentive tank, …)  the connection to railway was finished in 2004 and the necessary amount of water was prepared in 2005

5 II. The preparation of strategic industrial zone PZ Kolín – Ovčáry  In 2003 general construction plan for technical and traffic infrastructure was created within the area of the industrial zone – it ensured the induction of complete infrastructure to each plot  in the industrial zone, the sewage plant, railroad spur and servicing roads were built  Individual occupied sectors are connected to water pipes and sewage system  In case of sectors for sale, there is a possibility of further building and connecting to current infrastructure  In case of free sectors D, there is a possibility of further building and connecting to railroad spur

6 TPCA  realizes its activity in sector A on 124 ha  the production started in February 2005  3 226 employees  investment to 31.12.2010 reached the amount of 18 700 millions Kč  Activities within Kolín region: - grant program TPCA Partnerství pro Kolínsko (Partnership for Kolín) (since 2005) aimed at systematic contribution to development of Kolín region - it sponsors the most significant cultural and social events such as Kmochův Kolín, event OREGON dětem (Oregon for children) and it is the partner of the first league basketball club in Kolín - TPCA has already donated more than 80 million Kč for the support of Kolín

7 LEAR CORPORATION  realizes its activity in sector C1  makes child car seats intended for TPCA  number of employees is 241  investment to 31.12.2010: 339 mil.Kč

8 GEFCO  realizes its activity in sector B  runs a logistic centre used for in-process storing and distribution of Peugeot, Citroen cars from European PCA plants and cars from the TPCA production plant  total store capacity of the area is approx. 7 000 cars  number of employees is 187  investment to 31.12.2010: 492 mil.Kč

9 TOYOTA TSUSHO EUROPE S.A.  realizes its activity in sector D3  gathers, sorts, processes waste produced in PZ Kolín - Ovčáry  number of employees 71  investment to 31.12.2010: 172 mil.Kč

10 NYK LOGISTIC  realizes its intention in sectors C3 and C4  the logistic centre is used for storing and distribution of empty containers (crates, pallets) and production parts of suppliers. It also ensures fluent supply for TPCA car production, including parking of trucks and trailers  number of employees is 420  investment to 31.12.2010: 426 mil.Kč

11 Basic information about the zone datavalue total area (ha):370 year of starting the construction:2002 number of employees in the zone to: 31.12.2010:4 145 number of companies in the zone to 31.12.20105 structure of companies according to country of origin: ČR – 0 foreign countries – 5 structure of foreign companies according to country of origin: USA - 1 Japan - 3 France - 1

12 PZ Kolín – Ovčáry datavalue region of industrial zone:Středočeský kraj (central- bohemian) total area370 ha investors occupy:171,54 ha free sectors for sale:122,13 ha other areas: 76,33ha Occupancy:OKEČ (industrial branches) Area in ha TPCA34124,00 Lear Corporation Czech 344,90 Gefco Česká republika 3424,74 Toyota Tsusho Europe 347,50 NYK Logistics 3410,40 Total 171,54

13 Company Job vacancies: to 31.12.2010 TPCA3 226 Lear Corporation Czech241 Gefco Česká republika187 Toyota Tsusho Europe71 NYK Logistics420 Total4 145 Company Investment in mil.Kč to 31.12.2010 TPCA18 700 Lear Corporation Czech339 Gefco Česká republika492 Toyota Tsusho Europe172 NYK Logistics426 Total20 129

14 Exclusion from Agricultural Soil Fund (ASF) plots which are not excluded – the investor asks for permanent exclusion of the plot from ASF and takes all necessary measures, at their own expenses and responsibility plots which have already been excluded – the investors will pay the city the costs connected with the exclusion of these plots total free plots:122 ha excluded from ASF:87 ha remains to exclude: 35 ha

15 The decision about the participation of state budget in funding the program:„PZ Kolín – Ovčáry“ the grant recipient must not rent or place a charge or lien on bought plots without previous agreement of Defined organisation. This cannot be done for the period of 5 years since the finishing of the Purchase. the ownership change of purchased plots is during the Purchase realization period (up to the period of 5 years since the finishing of Purchase) possible only after previous agreement of Defined organisation, regardless if resources of state budget were used for financing and to which extent.

16 Rules of Program for support of development of industrial real properties The grant receiver must not (for the period of 5 years since the finish of the last stage of construction part of the project) use the real estate for any other purposes than conducting business in the field of manufacturing industry The strategic investor is evaluated by two criteria: amount of investment and creation of number of working positions Strategic investor means: -supported company which showed the intention to spend (for the purpose of doing business in fields of manufacturing industry OKEČ 15-37) investment funds for obtaining tangible and intangible property of long-term nature at least Kč and simultaneously to form more than 1.000 new working positions - supported company which showed the intention to spend (for the purpose of doing business in fields of strategic services or technological centres) investment funds for obtaining tangible and intangible property of long-term nature at least Kč and simultaneously to form more than 500 new working positions; - supported company doing business in research and development area which showed the intention to spend investment funds for obtaining tangible and intangible property of long-term nature at least 100.000.000 Kč and simultaneously to form more than 50 new working positions; - supported company which is specified by the government of Czech Republic as strategic

17 I. Plan of territory & PZ Kolín-Ovčáry Main use - industrial production of bulk, manufacture and mass-produced character - area defined for the location of industrial production plants and their supporting services - it represents monofunctional area restricted for big investors Acceptable use of the area, activities and construction - business activities - accommodation for housekeeper or owner, temporary accommodation of employees - parking of cars of employees and visitors - supporting, servicing and logistic areas - mass-productive, productive, industrial activity - servicing areas of citizen facilities of public interest - purpose and local roads

18 II. Plan of territory & PZ Kolín-Ovčáry Non-acceptable use of the area, activity and construction - living in block of flats - living in family houses - recreation in buildings for family holiday - retail facility over 500 m2 of selling area Rules of space layout - specified according to the exact intention in the area management - necessary to arrange unpaved grass areas with bushes and trees - one part of the project is formed by documents solving parking of customers´ and employees´ cars and solving the draining of rainwater from the area - setting the capacity for transport to the plant will be a part of the business plan

19 Plan of territory for Ovčáry Basic functional use - industrial production of big investors - industrial production of bulk, manufacture and mass-produced character and business activity - area defined for the location of industrial production plants and their supporting service - marginal parts of the area divided by infrastructure development can be divided into plots for minor investment plans Suitable and dominant activities: - business activity - supporting, servicing and logistic areas - buildings of industrial production and service - storing buildings - relevant roads and parking places - garages for lorries and other vehicles - relevant technical equipment

20 PZ Kolín - Ovčáry

21 Scheme of electricity supply

22 Scheme of water supply

23 Scheme of gas supply

24 Scheme of railroad spur

25 Scheme of telecommunications connection

26 INFORMATION For more information contact: Ing. Iveta Horáková, tel.č. 321 748 256, e-mail:

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