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Implementing a Student Appointment System MAEE Charlie Endicott Salisbury University

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing a Student Appointment System MAEE Charlie Endicott Salisbury University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing a Student Appointment System MAEE Charlie Endicott Salisbury University /default.html /default.html Great to be here and thank you! /default.html

2 Why Do You Want An Online Appointment System? I will give you 5 minutes to come up with your David Letterman’s Top Ten Reasons to Buy An Online Appointment System I will give you 5 minutes to come up with your David Letterman’s Top Ten Reasons to Buy An Online Appointment System

3 Why Implement One? Our Top 10! My boss told me too! My boss told me too! It really got old trying to make an appointment with a student when you had to email them back and forth 4-5 times! It really got old trying to make an appointment with a student when you had to email them back and forth 4-5 times! To save staff members time. To save staff members time. We had the money available! We had the money available! The students wanted it! The students wanted it! To make it easy for the students To make it easy for the students To be as advanced technologically as we could be To be as advanced technologically as we could be To cut down on emailing and calling students To cut down on emailing and calling students To be able to use our time on other projects To be able to use our time on other projects To take longer lunches with all that free time! To take longer lunches with all that free time!

4 Who Did We Choose and Why? We elected to go with a company called: Career Dimensions We elected to go with a company called: Career Dimensions Leonard (Lenny) Harris, Partner (919) 876-1623 We have utilized them for 2 other projects including: -Online Credential File System -First Destination Survey First Destination Table We have utilized them for 2 other projects including: -Online Credential File System -First Destination Survey First Destination Table The product is called OASIS (Online Appointment Scheduling Information System): The product is called OASIS (Online Appointment Scheduling Information System): These products worked well and the service was outstanding. These products worked well and the service was outstanding. By the way he is not paying me anything for this plug and I don’t know why not! By the way he is not paying me anything for this plug and I don’t know why not!

5 Some Of The Schools That Are Using Career Dimension Products Are: UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Kenan-Flagler UNC Kenan-Flagler ClemsonWellsley ClemsonWellsley Florida State Florida State Meredith Meredith University of Wisconsin-Green Bay University of Wisconsin-Green Bay University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Tufts Tufts University of Vermont University of Vermont North Carolina State (MBA school) North Carolina State (MBA school) University of Maryland University of Maryland Salisbury Salisbury Ft. Hays State Ft. Hays State Mt. Olive Mt. Olive Eleads Consortium: (UNC Chapel Hill, South Carolina, Greensboro College, NCSU, UNC Charlotte, Eleads Consortium: (UNC Chapel Hill, South Carolina, Greensboro College, NCSU, UNC Charlotte, UNC Wilmington, UNC Asheville, University of Georgia, Duke, UNC Greensboro, Clemson, Elon, Wake UNC Wilmington, UNC Asheville, University of Georgia, Duke, UNC Greensboro, Clemson, Elon, Wake Forest, Meredith) Forest, Meredith) And did we mention SALISBURY UNIVERSITY! And did we mention SALISBURY UNIVERSITY! Yea Sammy!! Yea Sammy!!

6 How Did We Finance It and How Much Was the System? We begged from everyone We begged from everyone We utilized some of our monies from our Job Fairs We utilized some of our monies from our Job Fairs The cost of the system was $2900 but we made some customizations such as: The cost of the system was $2900 but we made some customizations such as: -Being able to view all counselors appointments at once -Collecting monthly statistics on usage The total cost was around $3300 for us.

7 How Does This System Work Technically? Please don’t fall asleep due to this technical stuff-I will go through it fast! Please don’t fall asleep due to this technical stuff-I will go through it fast! All user access is via browser. System runs entirely on a web server and consists of the following major components: All user access is via browser. System runs entirely on a web server and consists of the following major components: a) HTML pages a) HTML pages b)Javascript functions b)Javascript functions 3)Embedded database scripting language (similar to PHP or ASP) 3)Embedded database scripting language (similar to PHP or ASP) 4)Database (Access is generally used, but other alternatives (e.g. MYSQL, are also available) 4)Database (Access is generally used, but other alternatives (e.g. MYSQL, are also available)

8 How Does It Work Functionally? From the Student Side: From the Student Side: To make an appointment they simply go to, and click on “Make an Appointment” To make an appointment they simply go to, and click on “Make an Appointment” Follow a few very simple instructions Follow a few very simple instructions That is all there is to it for them and they love it. That is all there is to it for them and they love it. I surveyed 26 students who initially used the system and they all said they preferred this system. I surveyed 26 students who initially used the system and they all said they preferred this system. 22 out of the 26 made their appointments after 5 PM. 22 out of the 26 made their appointments after 5 PM.

9 From The Staff Side: The staff piece allows each career services staff member to easily manage her/his students appointments. The following functions are provided. The staff piece allows each career services staff member to easily manage her/his students appointments. The following functions are provided. View Appointments: This is the most basic function. Via simple menu selections, each counselor can easily review his student-entered appointments. All the information which the student entered when the appointment was scheduled is easily viewable by the counselor. View Appointments: This is the most basic function. Via simple menu selections, each counselor can easily review his student-entered appointments. All the information which the student entered when the appointment was scheduled is easily viewable by the counselor.

10 From The (happy) Staff Side: Set/View Blackout Days: The counselor can black-out days -- days on which, for any reason, she/he does not accept student appointments. Blacked-out days do not appear as possible appointment days when the student is selecting an appointment day. Set/View Blackout Days: The counselor can black-out days -- days on which, for any reason, she/he does not accept student appointments. Blacked-out days do not appear as possible appointment days when the student is selecting an appointment day. Set/View Blackout Times: The counselor can black-out times -- times during specific days which, for any reason, he does not accept student appointments. Blacked-out times do not appear as possible appointment times when the student is selecting an appointment time. Set/View Blackout Times: The counselor can black-out times -- times during specific days which, for any reason, he does not accept student appointments. Blacked-out times do not appear as possible appointment times when the student is selecting an appointment time. General: General: The prototype is set up for 30 minute appointments. We will view the staff side later. We will view the staff side later.

11 How Did We Set It Up and Market It? We spent many anxious hours on the marketing plan. We spent many anxious hours on the marketing plan. The Director and I put our creative heads together and came up with a wonderful marketing plan! The Director and I put our creative heads together and came up with a wonderful marketing plan! We sent out one email to all the students and explained the system! We sent out one email to all the students and explained the system! That is all it took. The students immediately started using the system and phone calls decreased. That is all it took. The students immediately started using the system and phone calls decreased. Setup consisted of one link to our homepage Setup consisted of one link to our homepage

12 Benefits The students love it-they can now make their appointments anytime they want and can do it quickly. The students love it-they can now make their appointments anytime they want and can do it quickly. Staff likes it because they are in control of their schedule and it gives 3 levels of access: Staff likes it because they are in control of their schedule and it gives 3 levels of access: 1. - This is the standard password providing the user all normal staff functions but disallowing modification of Dept Blackouts. We give this to our front desk student. 1. - This is the standard password providing the user all normal staff functions but disallowing modification of Dept Blackouts. We give this to our front desk student. 2. - This is the super password providing all normal staff functions including the modification of Dept Blackouts. 2. - This is the super password providing all normal staff functions including the modification of Dept Blackouts. 3. - This is the admin password. It is used only to allow modification of the counselor list. 3. - This is the admin password. It is used only to allow modification of the counselor list.

13 More Benefits Now we simply direct the student to our website for an appointment. Now we simply direct the student to our website for an appointment. Easy for our front desk worker to printout the days appointments. Easy for our front desk worker to printout the days appointments. Counselors control their appointment times. Counselors control their appointment times. The Director can view all appointments and schedule staff meetings. The Director can view all appointments and schedule staff meetings. No technological skills necessary other than linking it to your website No technological skills necessary other than linking it to your website

14 Statistics APRIL/MAY 2006 APRIL/MAY 2006 -77 scheduled appointments in April 2006 (prior to the system) and 28 walk-ins for a total of 105 appointments this month. -77 scheduled appointments in April 2006 (prior to the system) and 28 walk-ins for a total of 105 appointments this month. -93 scheduled appointments in May 2006 (after implementing the system) and 19 walk-in appointments for a total of 112 appointments. ► As you can see scheduled appointments were up and our walk ins were down. ► This is for 2 Counselors for the most part. Typically walk-ins consist of 40-50 more students per month.

15 More Stats! OCTOBER, 2006 (Heavy usage month) OCTOBER, 2006 (Heavy usage month) 106 Scheduled Appointments 106 Scheduled Appointments 26 Walk-In Appointments 26 Walk-In Appointments OCTOBER, 2005 (Prior to the system) OCTOBER, 2005 (Prior to the system) 81 Scheduled Appointments 81 Scheduled Appointments 73 Walk In Appointments 73 Walk In Appointments ► As you can see there are more scheduled appointments now than last year prior to the system and less walk-ins. Overall appointments are down this year but this could be due to various workshops offered and classroom presentations. The appointment opportunities were about the same.

16 Disadvantages/Frustrations The only disadvantage is the lack of integration with our scheduling system-GroupWise The only disadvantage is the lack of integration with our scheduling system-GroupWise We have to enter and block out “Student Appointments” from the Online Sign-up system. This is so there is no scheduling of meetings or other appointments at that time. We have to enter and block out “Student Appointments” from the Online Sign-up system. This is so there is no scheduling of meetings or other appointments at that time. For example I schedule every M, W, F for student appointments from 9-11:00 AM. I block this out on GroupWise so there is nothing else scheduled. For example I schedule every M, W, F for student appointments from 9-11:00 AM. I block this out on GroupWise so there is nothing else scheduled. You must make sure ALL student appointments are made through the online system. You must make sure ALL student appointments are made through the online system. The vendor could integrate but our IT Dept. would not let that happen. The vendor could integrate but our IT Dept. would not let that happen.

17 Thank You-You Have Been Great! Charlie Endicott, Associate Director of Career Services, Salisbury University, 410- 543-6075, Charlie Endicott, Associate Director of Career Services, Salisbury University, 410- 543-6075, Now we can go to the Online appointment System and go through it from both the student and staff views. Click here to go to those links. Now we can go to the Online appointment System and go through it from both the student and staff views. Click here to go to those

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