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计算机系 信息处理实验室 Lecture 16 Networking

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Presentation on theme: "计算机系 信息处理实验室 Lecture 16 Networking"— Presentation transcript:

1 计算机系 信息处理实验室 Lecture 16 Networking xlanchen@06/10/2005

2 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 2 Content The OSI Reference Model Networking APIs Network-Resource Name Resolution Protocol Drivers NDIS Drivers Binding Layered Network Services

3 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 3 The OSI Reference Model Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model 7 layers An idealized scheme

4 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 4 2K Networking Components Networking APIs protocol-independent Transport Driver Interface (TDI) clients kernel-mode device drivers TDI transports kernel-mode protocol drivers NDIS library Ndis.sys NDIS miniport drivers

5 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 5 Networking APIs Named pipes and mailslots Windows Sockets (Winsock) Remote procedure call (RPC) Common Internet File System (CIFS) NetBIOS

6 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 6 Named Pipes and Mailslots Named pipes Provide reliable bidirectional communications Mailslots Provide unreliable unidirectional data transmission Support broadcast capability

7 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 7 Named pipe communications \\Server\Pipe\PipeName | | |  a unique name | | | (can include subdirectories) | |  “Pipe” |  the computer Example: \\MyComputer\Pipe\MyServerApp\ConnectionPipe

8 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 8 Named Pipe Operation CreateNamedPipe A pope operates in byte mode or message mode ConnectNamedPipe synchronously or asynchronously CreateFile or CallNamedPipe ReadFile and WriteFile (Win32 Func) Establish the connection

9 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 9 Mailslot Operation Name: \\Server\MailSlot\MailSlotName\\Server\MailSlot\MailSlotName Func: CreateMailSlot, ReadFile; CreateFile, WriteFile Message size < 425 Bytes

10 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 10 Named Pipe and Mailslot Implementation Name resolution: \\.\Pipe\PipeName Npfs.sys Msfs.sys Symbolic link: \\?\Pipe; \\?\MailSlot

11 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 11 EXPERIMENT Listing the Named Pipe Namespace and Watching Named Pipe Activity

12 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 12 Windows Sockets Microsoft's implementation of BSD Sockets 2K: Winsock 2.2 features scatter-gather and asynchronous I/O QoS conventions Extensibility integrated namespaces multipoint messages

13 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 13 Winsock Operation Support protocols NetBEUI, TCP/IP, IPX After initilization: socket; bound; listen/connect/accept; recv/send

14 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 14 Winsock Implementation

15 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 15 Remote Procedure Call Compatible with the OSF/DCE standard procedural view VS. transport-centered view Remote I/O request OS : redirector |  remote system, execute and return |  local: interrupt, & return to caller

16 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 16 RPC Operation

17 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 17 RPC Implementation

18 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 18 Common Internet File System (CIFS) A published Microsoft standard An enhanced form of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol allows third parties to interoperate with 2K file servers and with 2K file sharing clients E.g. Samba shareware Redirector FSD executes on a client machine & communicates with a server FSD

19 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 19 CIFS

20 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 20 Distributed File Caching To provide a consistent view of shared remote file 2K solution: distributed cache coherency Mechanism: oplock Three main types of oplock Level I oplock Level II oplock Batch oplock

21 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 21 Oplock example

22 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 22 NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System NetBIOS Names 16byte 2K: first 15 bytes of DNS name + modifier LANA number WINS NetBIOS Names  TCP/IP addresses NetBIOS API Listen, … unique group

23 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 23 EXPERIMENT Using Nbtstat to See NetBIOS Names

24 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 24 NetBIOS API Implementation

25 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 25 Other Networking APIs Telephony API (TAPI) DCOM Message Queuing

26 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 26 Network-Resource Name Resolution Multiple Provider Router Multiple UNC Provider

27 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 27 Multiple Provider Router

28 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 28 Multiple UNC Provider

29 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 29 Domain Name System

30 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 30 Protocol Drivers

31 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 31 NDIS Drivers

32 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 32 Binding

33 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 33 Layered Network Services Remote access Active Directory Network Load Balancing File Replication service (FRS) Distributed File System (DFS) TCP/IP Extensions Network Address Translation Internet Protocol Security Quality of Service

34 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 34 Active Directory architecture

35 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 35 Network Load Balancing operation

36 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 36 DFS components

37 计算机系 信息处理实验室 xlanchen@06/10/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows2000 37 QoS architecture

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