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The Vanishing Advantage

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1 The Vanishing Advantage
Carr, Chapter 4 INFS 780 Richard T. Christoph

2 IT’s Role in Business Firms have spent literally billions in IT development Sought a competitive advantage Pioneers built new systems at great expense The PGAITA factor Most systems focused on the TPS & BICARSA Paybacks could be huge –

3 IT and Competitive Advantage
For many years, firms believed IT provided an avenue to a sustainable competitive advantage Porter describes this as something that you can do that competitors cannot easily duplicate Carr refers to this as a proprietary advantage

4 Proprietary vs. Infrastructural Advantage
Proprietary: One firm can “own” or control the technology SABRE is a great example Infrastructural: Becomes a “cost of doing business” Electricity and phone network quickly became part of the infrastructure. Most technologies start as proprietary and move toward infrastructural

5 Technologies in Transition
TIVO – started as proprietary, now CATV firms are deploying their own copies SABRE – owned by AA, now, however is a basic, available system for airline reservations. ATM – Provided a short advantage to owning banks – other banks quickly caught up

6 IT & Productivity IT has vastly enhanced productivity
Carr notes that most productivity has enhanced customers This means customers see lower prices Business do not see higher profits If Carr is right, IT does not appear to yield a sustainable competitive advantage

7 Compare with Porter’s 5 Forces
Substitutes Suppliers Buyers Rivalry Levels Entrants What has IT changed?

8 Let’s look at RIVALRY Usual issues for competition
Warranties and guarantees Advertising & special promotions Dealer networks Product innovation How does IT impact these? Doesn’t IT provide better customer responsiveness for all of these??

9 Rivalry after IT Think about it – consumers benefit from fast ordering, dealer networks, lower cost information sharing Firms, however, must match these abilities simply to stay in business! Firms gain no advantage from using IT in these ways – but can lose all if they do not have IT! This is a classic infrastructural situation

10 Recall that RIVALRY Is Stronger when:
Many, equal-sized firms Slow demand growth Sales volume built by stealing share Switching costs are low Exit costs high IT lowers switching costs, allows easy share stealing, makes small firms compete evenly with large firms

11 IT Increases Rivalry?? Can IT be shown to INCREASE rivalry?
It appears the answer is YES Rivalry increases – profits do not Customers benefit No strategic benefit to the firm Again, a classic infrastructural technology

12 Technology as an Infrastructure
Hardware and software moving rapidly to common standards Too expensive to develop one of a kind – and no reward for doing so Computational power cheaply and widely available No benefit from having the latest system

13 When IT was new Ah, these were the days. I arrived at the very end of this period (1977) Technology itself was a barrier due to cost (needed special room, power, operators) Software did not exist – you wrote it Simple applications cost many thousands Networks were slow (4800bps) and needed special lines, gear, people

14 Locking in Advantage Firms sought first mover advantage
One large bank system I installed included some of the first ATM machines in SC Very complex – we had some 10 leased lines (20 modems!) and a separate Series 1 computer moving between async & bisynch communications

15 The brief advantage My bank moved all operations in-house (DDA, loan, savings) Needed a single database, custom software – all custom written Built an operations center, hired staff Total cost was over $2,000,000 Allowed immediate, rapid growth Competitors could match capability in three years with commercial packages

16 Bank software now All banks must offer ATM access, single database accounts Bank IT has become an infrastructure No longer provides competitive advantage IT now offers more RISK than REWARD If IT fails, customers upset – if IT works, customers not impressed

17 Technology Replication Cycle
First movers spend huge amounts Imitators can usually copy cheaply Errors are eliminated as we learn what works Costs drop dramatically Followers my benefit more than first movers

18 Cost Declines of Computing Power

19 Cost Declines of Networking Power

20 So Costs Decline – so what?
Costs drop dramatically as technology moves from proprietary to infrastructural Best practices established Volume production Wide market adoption Consider electricity, telephone, VCR, DVDRW, color TV

21 Homogenization of Process
Competitors begin to use the same tools in the same way to do the same job Used to built code to match our business process Now, we match our process to the software Example: ERP systems Require firms to adjust to the ERP package This reduces opportunity for unique, system-based competitive advantage

22 Homogenization of Process
Carr notes: When a company buys a Seibel software package for CRM, it aslo is buying the Seibel way of managing customers. An example of this is the Datatel WebAdvisor system All public SD schools use it – no one has an advantage over any other school

23 What’s a Mother To Do? Peter Drucker notes that firms can tend to be efficient (doing things well) or effective (doing the right thing) (firms can rarely do both) Common software packages promote efficiency but one firm will not be more effective than another using the same package Competitive advantage is based on effective items

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