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Soil & PlantTissue Testing for Florida Pastures Ed Jennings UF-IFAS Extension Pasco County.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil & PlantTissue Testing for Florida Pastures Ed Jennings UF-IFAS Extension Pasco County."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil & PlantTissue Testing for Florida Pastures Ed Jennings UF-IFAS Extension Pasco County

2 Soil Test Chemical analysis to assess the plant-available nutrient status, salinity, and elemental toxicity of a soil Soil sample collection: representative of the entire area of interest Differences in soil type Areas managed or cropped differently Areas that clearly have some type of problem

3 Differences in Soil Type

4 Soil Test Handling and submitting your soil sample 1. Samples are thoroughly mixed 2. Sub-sample should be placed in a clean and properly labeled soil sample bag 3. Samples should be delivered to lab as soon as possible after collection

5 Area B - Dark colored soil Area A - Light colored soil

6 Yield will be limited by the element in shortest supply in relation to plants needs

7 Target pH for different forage crops grown on mineral soils 1 Crop CategoryTarget pH Bahiagrass5.0-5.5 Bermudagrass, and limpograss5.5 Small grains and ryegrass6.0 Perennial peanut6.0 Clover6.5 Alfalfa7.0

8 Fertilizer Label Nitrogen – Phosphorus – K Potassium Always in this same order, by law Each number is percentage of that nutrient 6-6-6 is 6 % N, 6%P, & 6%K That’s only 18% or 18 lbs per 100 Whats the rest ?


10 Critical Plant Nutrient Levels in Bahiagrass Tissue Plant Nutrient Critical Concentration % Nitrogen < 1.5 Phosphorous< 0.15 Potassium<1.2

11 Example Report

12 LIME AND FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS Crop: Bahiagrass Lime:427.0 lbs per acre (1 Ton = 2000 Lbs) Nitrogen: 60 lbs per acre Phosphorus: 0 lbs per acre Potassium: 0 lbs per acre Magnesium: (Mg) 0 lbs per acre

13 LIME AND FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS Crop: Improved perennial grasses other than bahiagrass(bermuda,digit,limpo,star) Lime: 0.0 lbs per acre (1 Ton = 2000 Lbs) Nitrogen: 160 lbs per acre Phosphorus: 0 lbs per acre Potassium: 80 lbs per acre Magnesium: (Mg) 0 lbs per acre

14 Some Useful Links ey.aspx

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