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Lime Survey Training For School Managers and Program Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Lime Survey Training For School Managers and Program Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lime Survey Training For School Managers and Program Associates

2 Introductions  Please introduce yourself  Name  Program/school  Upcoming courses and start dates  What are you hoping to get out of today’s session?

3 Today’s Session  Usability Testing  Context and minimal instruction  See how you do on your own  Share with your neighbour  Fill in the details with training  Email training document to use on your own  Program Admin Group for support  Report technical issues to helpdesk  Available for questions/queries on how best to set something up

4 Purpose  To improve services to students, Moodle 2 will only contain courses  Surveys will no longer be run on either Moodle platform after July 2012  Lime Survey will be the central location for all feedback surveys  Eventually, it may house other types of surveys

5 How it works  Program Associates have access to ‘create surveys’  Have full access to:  Surveys you’ve created  Surveys others have granted you permissions to  Grant others permissions to your manage your surveys  Students do not need to ‘log in’ to respond to the survey

6 Responding to surveys  Students respond to the survey using a ‘token’ that is emailed to them from Lime Survey  Tokens track whether or not a student has responded but have no connection to the actual responses  Survey creators (PAs) can see who has responded  Token email management allows you to send reminders or resend invitations if you have additional people to send to

7 Creating Tokens  Tokens can be generated one person at a time  Firstname, Lastname, email address  Upload a list of students (.csv file)  Bulk generate tokens  Auto-creation of token source files  Similar to Distribution lists  Created on Program and Course Start dates  Updated nightly

8 Process for administering a feedback survey  Create a survey template to be used for all surveys  Create a new survey based on a ‘copy’ of the template survey  Name it appropriately to reflect the course or program  Upload token file and generate tokens  Send email to students from within Lime Survey using token email management tools  Review results and generate PDFs

9 Timelines  Training is scheduled throughout June  Platform will be live, in production by early July  Standard questions will be provided in the future  Reporting will be set up in Q3 or Q4 once we have some data to compare

10 Support  We’ll work directly with those with programs starting between Jun 1 st – Oct 1 st  Training materials (videos) are available at  Computer Services – 1 st level support  Web Systems – 2 nd level support  Program Associates group  gram-community-support-group gram-community-support-group

11   Token files  O:\Staff\Limesurvey_Resources

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