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P6/M3: Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing.

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1 P6/M3: Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing.
Gemma Annie Harry Kurt

2 The colour scheme for our product is yellow and green- since the flavours of our drink are Lime- green- and Pineapple- yellow. This is why our logo is in these colours as well as the slogan and label will be- this colour scheme will have to be carried on throughout for any marketing/promotion/advertising that we include. We kept the logo simple- with the name and a small image for each of the fruits included; this makes the logo simple and therefore memorable.

3 The Four P’s. Product. Price. Place. Promotion.
PRODUCT- Something the consumer desires- what is being made and why it is being made. Before manufacturing, and then selling, product, you must go through the development process- choosing what, why, where and who- what product you are making- it’s name, slogan, logo etc. why you are making it; it’s purpose, who you are making it for and where you will sell it. In order to maximise profits, you need to make sure all these questions are answered in the designing process and improvements are made as the designing and manufacturing progresses. PRICE- The amount a customer will pay for the product that they are getting. When setting a price, the marketer must be aware of the market value of the product; if it set with too high a price, no one will buy it and if it is too low, people will assume the quality of the product is not very high and still will not buy it. PLACE- A convenient location for the product to be sold in. when deciding on a place to sell the product, you must consider where the customer is most likely to see the product- if the product is not advertised sufficiently then selling it in a supermarket on the end of aisles- for example- may still get the product noticed and make people want to buy it. The location the product is sold in, must be convenient for the seller- to make sure they can get enough stock to the place on time and often enough to sell but also somewhere that the consumers can and will buy it from- our research shows this to be supermarkets and corner shops. PROMOTION- This is the way in which you get your product known- through advertising- this is just one way but in most cases, is the most common and effective way of getting your product known. Advertising can be as simple and cheap as word of mouth or as expensive as TV or radio adverts- all, however are effective and are forms of promoting your brand/ product. Businesses should use the four P’s to make sure their products are successful. This is because, the marketing mix is important to make sure your product is successful- it makes sure that you are selling a good product, for the right price, in the right place and are advertising it efficiently. Promotion.

4 Product Life Cycle. Our current position in the life cycle for our product. For a product, there is 5 main different stages in a product life cycle- the first is the development stage. DEVELOPMENT- Researching into the product. This is what our product is currently in: we are deciding the features, names and beginning to decide the sorts of things you need to think of when first making a drink. LAUNCH/INTRODUCTION stage- this means that we introducing our product to the market and need to start promoting it. GROWTH- this is where the product will start improve and it will start to be recognised; sales will increase and so will profits, at this point the product will be more recognisable and may increase in price or have special offers start to be released. MATURITY stage- in this, the product will begin to become more popular and sales and profit will increase. DECLINE- this is the final stage, in which sales fall and therefore profits fall- the product has become less popular and is rapidly decreasing in sales. In the decline stage, most consider whether cutting the product from sales altogether would be more beneficial to them.

5 Product. *SLOGAN* Features of our product: The product will need to be yellow and green- to fit with our flavour of drink- Pineapple and Lime, as well as the theme colours that we use for the logo, slogan and packaging (labels on the packaging etc.). Using research, we found that Pineapple and Lime is not currently a drink that is made often- this will mean that we have an edge over competition since we will have a unique drink. The bottle that was most popular was Glass so our bottle will need to be made from glass in order to fit with the findings of our research. The preferred type of drink, we found was cold and fizzy so to fit with the popular demand we will need to make sure we fit with these criteria. Most people said that they bought their soft drinks from corner shops or supermarket so we will need to make sure that this is where we sell our products if we want them to be popular/bought. Also, research tells us that £1-£1.20 is the expected price-we will need to consider this in the marketing of our product but also what our product contains, if we need to sell it for this price we can’t be spending more on the making of the product than we will in selling it as we won’t make a profit and our drink will not be successful. As our product will be in glass bottles and a unique flavour and fit with most of the finding form our research, it should make our drink popular and make it stand out from others. Britvic sell mainly soft drinks, in particular- they use J2O- this drink will be the closest of the Britvic range to the drink we are designing because of the packaging and colours-our product will be in glass bottles- much like J2O- will have a yellow/green colour to it- J2O is one of Britvic‘s most colourful drinks. However, J2O was only the third favourite of Britvic’s drinks that we found in our survey but, it was 6 out of the 32 surveyed- a fifth of the people we asked said J2O was their favourite so we know that J2O is already popular and successful- so we can use this to help our drink. Our product is tangible- you can pick it up/ hold it- this means it cannot be a service.

6 Price. Pricing Strategy
There are four main pricing strategies in marketing. One of the pricing strategies is Economy Pricing this is when a company used cheap products to make there drinks and to enter the market with a cheap price. All of there ingredients in there drinks will be cheap so this means that they would also sell it for cheap. An example of this is the “Tesco Value Range” this is an economy price range as the quality would be quite low. Another form of a pricing strategy is Premium Pricing. This strategy is when a company enters the market with a high price because their products would be high quality. It has high costs of the business to make the product so they would sell it for a high price. An example of this is the brand “Mulberry” their handbags are very expensive to make so they would use premium pricing. Penetration Pricing is another pricing strategy. Penetration pricing is when a company enters the market with there products but a low price. As it is a low price many people will want to buy the products with means there will be a lot of quick sales. As the company is getting high sales this shows that the company are selling there product and they have become very loyal to this. The company overtime will then increase there costs. An example of penetration marketing is a magazine of knit and stich. First issue starts of at 99p but then goes up. The last pricing strategy there is Skimming Price Strategy. This is when a company enters the market at a high price because they are trying to recoup their investments in R & D. They will have high sales to begin with and then overtime the price will come down making it more affordable for everyone else to buy it. An example of this is a “Apple” Product. We will be using Penetration Pricing. Entering with the lowest price that the people that took our survey said they would mostly pay for which is £1.20 overtime will increase the price when we get well known and people know what our drinks are like. We will increase our prices up to £1.50 to £2.00. In the Britvic range there are many fizzy drinks that are similar with our drink. We also had to base our price of the drinks on these other drinks. The main drinks that we have been looking at is Pepsi Max, 7UP and Tango Orange. The price of a Pepsi Max bottle can be up to £1.98. This price shows that we our selling our drink for a much lower price at the beginning. The drink 7up is being sold for £1.25 or under, this shows that this drink is a bit cheaper than ours by 5p, however the drink can also go down to a £1.00. The last drink that we research for the price was Tango Orange. The price for Tango Orange can be up to the price of £1.15. Again this is cheaper than ours. Throughout the research of these drink prices we wanted to set a price that was affordable to begin with and that wasn’t the cheapest or most expensive drink in Britvic. We have said that we would sell our drink for £1.20 based on our survey research and on the prices for these drinks. As they are also very similar drinks we thought that we should have similar prices to them. Another factor that effected the price of our drink is the ingredients to make the drink. We had to look at the different types of ingredients that would go in a drink as we would also have to base our price on this for us to get a reasonable profit. The ingredients that we are going to put in our drink is Teaspoon of lime juice, ½ Rip pineapples, 1 pinch Ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon sugar, Water, Preservatives and Carbonate water. Altogether we worked out the prices for the ingredients that would make one drink which all come to £0.65. So one drink comes up to £0.65 to make so selling it for £1.20 would give us the profit of £0.55. We are also now in the recession stage which means that we shouldn’t really be selling our drinks for a very high price because not many people would be able to buy it and we want everyone to buy it. We also looked at other prices from our competitors including cola, Spirt and Fanta. Again we looked at these particular products because they are very similar drinks to the one that we have made. The highest price for a cola 500ml drink is £1.29 or as low as £1.25. This drink is a bit more expensive than us. For a bottle of Sprite the price is £1.25 and for a drink of Fanta the average price is £1.25. We also based our price on this as we wanted to make sure that we were cheaper than these drinks as they have shown to be very popular with customers.

7 Place. My research shows that corner shops and supermarkets will be the best place to sell Pineapple lime. Pineapple lime is the perfect drink to consume whilst relaxing on the beach. Place is massively important for my new soft drink, as it plays a vital part in the sales of the drink. The place where the drink is sold is important because it needs to be sold where the target market are as the drink is specifically created for them. Therefore, by selling it at the place where they are mainly at It would not be beneficial for the sales of the drink to sell the drink where the target market are not. The target market are fifteen to nineteen year olds Or even on the sofa watching the television

8 Different Promotional Strategies a Business can use
Websites Celebrity Endorsements Social Media TV/Radio Advertising HP

9 Website . We have created a website to help with the promotion of our product, this will enable us to link customers from our bottle, to the website to allow them to see more in depth information on our product We have created a Website for our product, this is because our target market, who are aged between years old use the internet regularly, we decided that as our target market uses the internet the most in their free time, we should base our advertisements and promotion online, our website is a modern, simplistically designed website that is easy to navigate and get to sub pages like the Nutritional Values and other things like that. Our website offers a picture of our drink, along side our main ingredients, Pineapples and Limes. We would have links further down the page to our twitter page and other social media, which would open up to either the networks app, or the internet page on a new tab in your browsers. Companies can use their websites to impress potential customers and other parties. A good looking website with a brief company profile is sure to attract visitors who eventually begin to have a positive attitude towards the particular company. We aim to do this with PineappleLime, having a website would impress investors and new potential customers, meaning we are growing our market constantly, making more money and increasing our profits. HP

10 Celebrity Endorsement
We shall also use a Celebrity Endorsement for our promotion, the celebrity we chose Kim Kardashian, A celebrity who is known for being on the beach or relaxing at home, both of which can be done when drinking Pineapple Lime. We also chose Kim Kardashian as she is a well known and liked figure in popular music. We chose celebrity endorsement because we thought that it would be a good way to advertise our drink as it would mean that if the celebrity is well loved by the public, then more people might want to buy it, and as Kim Kardashian is well loved by the public, we thought that choosing her to help advertise and sell our product, more people, especially people in our target market, which is year olds. Using a famous celebrity Like Kim Kardashian would accelerate our brands success as using her would attract new customers to our brand that otherwise may not have held any interest for the consumer. Whilst our drink is mainly aimed at 15 to 19 year olds, other people also watch and read about Kim Kardashian, this would mean that if they saw her drinking this drink, then the followers of Kim Kardashian would want to be like her and also drink this drink. A brand that gains a high-profile celebrity's endorsement may, for example, receive greater media coverage than if it had run a standard advertising campaign. Kim Kardashian is seen as a high profile celebrity in this society, with her own TV show “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” her own Game, and also for her work as a model. Using her instead of using a normal media campaign, like a TV or radio advert, which is extremely expensive, we decided to just use Kim Kardashian as a celebrity endorsement, helping grow our company quicker. Kim Kardashian was used recently for an advert in the Super bowl, an American football game, she was hired by T-Mobile to help advertise their Mobile Data plans, this was successful as it helped T-Mobile attract new customers, We hope this can be emulated by our company. HP

11 Twitter Pineapple Lime @Pineapple_Lime
We have also decided to use a Twitter page to reach out to our target market. Twitter is a social networking site which allows people to follow each other and make short paragraphs or “tweets” that are broadcasted to your followers. We have decided to use twitter as our main way of connecting with our target market. A lot of our target market are very active on twitter, this means that if we are able to use twitter, and allow our target market to follow us, and we are able to keep active and update our followers on updates about the drink, and any promotions we are currently doing. Twitter is a great way to connect with our audience, this is because tweets are only 140 characters, this means that you have keep the tweets that you send out to people short and concise, meaning that people can easily read the information that you are sending out to people. We have also chosen Twitter over other social media like Facebook because Twitter is more modern and current, Facebook has been around for a long time, it is not used as much as it used to be, and is no longer seen as cool for people to be on, Twitter has taken over Facebook as the most used social media which is why we decided to use Twitter over other social medias. We would still use other social medias, such as Facebook and Instagram. We would just use those ones less, as twitter is our main social network. Twitter can also be used to allow customers to give feedback Once you have connected with your customers you will for sure be getting feedback on how you can improve your product, your services and maybe even improve your customers service. Listening to them will help you in the future. This also allows other people to see how other customers feel about their drinks. One of the reasons to use twitter is you get to market your product or services to more people and the best part about that is its free. You don’t have to pay to use twitter, this means that more money can be spent elsewhere making the product or advertisement even better. Twitter can also be used to give news about new deals and coupons codes to offer to consumers who follow us. People enjoy getting good deals, if we offer exclusive news about deals and promotional codes to use on other things, then people will want to get it, customers enjoy getting good deals. Dell have done this before. HP

12 How this links to our research
In our questionnaire we asked people “What do you do in your spare time?” This came back mainly as people being on the internet in their spare time, we have utilised this data and used it so we mainly advertise on the internet, Through social networks and through our own website, and through celebrity endorsement, We chose Kim Kardashian, this is because she is Married to Kanye West, who is a musician, and as Kim herself has a TV show and a Video Game, we chose her as she relates to the other highest tallies on the chart.

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