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Rastislav Ludvik 2.c. north-eastern part of Slovakia located between Čergov and Šariš upland on upper flow of Torysa 30 km from Prešov 12,5 km 2 6500.

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Presentation on theme: "Rastislav Ludvik 2.c. north-eastern part of Slovakia located between Čergov and Šariš upland on upper flow of Torysa 30 km from Prešov 12,5 km 2 6500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rastislav Ludvik 2.c

2 north-eastern part of Slovakia located between Čergov and Šariš upland on upper flow of Torysa 30 km from Prešov 12,5 km 2 6500 people

3 center of Hornátorysa region center for more than 25 000 people throught town flow river Torysa and Kamenica stream

4 bussines and industrial companions shops (mainly food) own town police parts of town (Gľace, Center, Štúrova, Dubovická roveň, Rovinky) L i p a n y L i p a C h a r i t a

5 first written dokument from 1312 part of manor Kameniac independent town (agrocultural and manufacural production) become the most important in region 19th century town burned 1909-1924 district town of region E m b l e m o f t o w n p o l i c e

6 two kindergartens one special kindergarten two primary schools (Hviezdoslavova 1, Komenský school) school for gypsies two secondary schools (Secondary specialized school, Gymnasium)

7 S c h o o l f o r g y p s i e s S H S K o m e n s k ý s c h o o l H i e z d o s l a v o v a 1 s c h o o l

8 Kindergarden of Kpt. Nálepka Gymnasium Kindergarden Centrum

9 Different clubs : -dance club - Tilia Lipany -football club - Odeva Lipan -senior club -scouts Art school Folklor group (from Krivany) DC Tilia Lipany

10 Cultural events: -Christmas concert -dance competitions -shows in town gallery -exhibitions of pictures -summer music shows Carneval Summer concert Football stadion

11 Church of st. Martin (st.Martin from Tours) the oldest building independet tower in past more rebuildings (1513, 2004) 320 years old lime (European three of year, 4th place) Church of st. Martin Lime Main oltar

12 forest near town Balaška Špárová (cycling, motorest) Kamenica castle ski resort (Dubovica) horses (Miľpoš) M o t o r e s t Š p á r o v á S k i D u b o v i c a

13 Town plan to built aquapark because near town there was escaped thermal spring. without investor stopped plan Aquapark

14 Railway station (back side) Railway station City office

15 M i l k A g r o W h i t e h o u s e

16 Sources of information: / Lipany own information


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