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Welcome to Third Grade Informational Parent Night Hosted by: Mrs. Bagby, Mrs. Rosita and Mrs. Moyers.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade Informational Parent Night Hosted by: Mrs. Bagby, Mrs. Rosita and Mrs. Moyers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade Informational Parent Night Hosted by: Mrs. Bagby, Mrs. Rosita and Mrs. Moyers

2 Our goal is for the students to become an active community of learners. The students will work together cooperatively, and individually, in improving skills in reading, writing, mathematics, science discovery and social studies. We look forward to an exciting year of growth educationally and collaboratively! Reach for the Stars

3 Third Grade is a big transitional year for both students and parents. Concepts move at a much faster pace and students are expected to do more independently. Lunches and homework can NOT be delivered to the office. Punctuality and attendance are especially important this year. Every minute of your child’s day is valuable educational time. In order to utilize every minute to its fullest, it would be most beneficial for your child to be in the classroom at 8:05 a.m. (when the first bell rings). About Third Grade

4 Homework Homework will be given Monday-Thursday. All work is expected to be shown and completed using a pencil. Please make sure your child shows all work and uses the strategies taught in class. The child should complete his or her practice activity independently, but if you notice that they worked out a problem incorrectly, please help them use problem-solving strategies until they discover the correct answer. The faster misconceptions are cleared, the faster your child will be successful with the concepts.

5 Homework Report Card Grade First Nine Weeks – E = 3 or less missed or late homework assignments. S = 4-6 missed or late homework assignments. N = 7-9 missed or late homework assignments. U = 10 or more missed homework assignments. Second – Fourth Nine Weeks – E = 2 or less missed or late homework assignments. S = 3-4 missed or late homework assignments. N = 5-6 missed or late homework assignments. U = 7 or more missed or late homework assignments.

6 Behavior Plan We will consistently reinforce positive character traits with praise and rewards while still setting firm boundaries. Every child will be given a verbal warning before a mark is recorded on the clipboard unless safety becomes an issue. A chart is kept documenting each infraction. The number of infractions a child acquires each day/week corresponds with his/her consequences and conduct grade.

7 Positive Ponies We try to use as much positive reinforcement as possible with your child along with the rules to make the classroom a safe and nurturing place. Brownie Points – When the whole class is giving their best, a brownie is placed on the pan. When the pan is full the class gets a party, a prize, or extra recess. Tickets – Individuals earn tickets for showing positive character traits such as; responsibility, respect, initiative, commitment, integrity and participation. Students can use these tickets to purchase items or privileges in class.

8 Homework/Behavior Incentives FRIDAY FREE-TIME – Students who obtain less than three marks on the clipboard (which include homework completion and behavior) will get to enjoy a Friday Free- time celebration. Friday Raffle –Students who do not obtain any marks on the clipboard for behavior or homework for the week are entered in a class raffle. One winner will be drawn for each class at the end of each week.

9 School and teacher web pages give you access to important dates, information and resources. You can see your child’s weekly schedule (remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days), weekly curriculum content and links to useful interactive sites such as:, Envision, Pearson Success for ELA, Kidbiz3000, First in Math and many others! Teacher Web Pages

10 Navigating For Resources visit

11 Grades Major assessments – 50% Retakes – A student who scores below 70% on a major campus assessment will be given the option to retest (usually occurs before school). The higher of the two scores will be taken, but not to exceed 70%. Benchmarks – There will be no retakes on any district benchmarks or common assessments. Minor assessments – 50% Students who fail minor tasks will receive extra instruction in the subject area, but the original grade will not be replaced. Based on a campus decision, no extra credit will be given. You may also view your child’s grades online.

12 See Your Child’s Grades


14 Parent Connect Login Page

15 EarthTrek Your child will participate in a unique classroom supplement called EarthTrek. They will work as teams in a virtual race around the world. Throughout the race, they will be exploring other countries and cultures through academic activities that are based on the third grade curriculum. * EarthTrek for fourth and fifth grade is now offered after school!

16 Policies Visiting your child – Please enter through the front door and stop at the front office. Obtain a visitor’s sticker and place it where it can be VISIBLE by any staff member. Please visit the location your sticker states only. If you need to visit a new location, a new sticker must be obtained from the front office. Per a campus decision, visitors are not permitted on the playground. Thank you in advance for your help with this matter; this procedure helps ensure the safety of every child.

17 Special Occasions – Birthday treats may be purchased from the cafeteria through your child’s teacher. Two weeks notice for your purchase is requested. This aides in avoiding allergy concerns.

18 Choices and Prices – Chocolate or Vanilla Cupcakes $.60 Rice Crispy Treats $.50 Chocolate Chip or M&M cookies $.30 (baked fresh daily) Ice Cream- $.60 Mini Rainbow Pops Cookies N Cream yogurt Chocolate Yogurt Strawberry Yogurt Sherbet Pushpop Strawberry Fruit Bar They may also order Bottled Water $.75 or Juice Box $.55. In the past, the treats were given during lunch in the cafeteria. The snacks will now be dispersed in the afternoon in your child’s classroom.

19 Thank you for coming!

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