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1 LENTICULAR: AN INTRODUCTION. Simplified Explanation of Lenticular Lenticular graphics can be described as specialized images which when viewed under.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LENTICULAR: AN INTRODUCTION. Simplified Explanation of Lenticular Lenticular graphics can be described as specialized images which when viewed under."— Presentation transcript:


2 Simplified Explanation of Lenticular Lenticular graphics can be described as specialized images which when viewed under a lenticular lens will produce 3D or animated sequences. Two main elements when producing lenticular: 1. An interlaced image The process of combining frames of multiple electronic files into a single file. 2. Lenticular lens Isolates, magnifies, and displays a single graphic image according to the angle of observation. The grooves of the lens are lenticules, which focus your sight on different parts of the underlying interlaced picture.

3 Interlacing Proprietary interlacing capabilities allow us to marry the interlaced images in perfect harmony with the lens structure, allowing us to achieve the highest quality lenticular available.

4 Effects: 2 or 3 Image Flip The fast transition between distinct elements. Flip images are the most basic. They can also be the most dramatic, catching people’s attention from across the room or as they walk by. The basic "flip" has two or three images printed on the same page.

5 Effects: 3D Depth The illusion of depth and distance between elements from the foreground to background. 3D is created by following the theory of parallax Brain compares the different views from our right and left eyes Creates a three-dimensional world

6 Effect: Zoom Image moves front to back and changes in size from larger to smaller. A zoom is a form of motion that combines multiple sizes of the same image, merged quickly together, creating a zoom effect.

7 Effects: Motion The recreation of a moving effect from video or a series of stills. Works by selecting frames and recreating the motion using frames of animation, video or sequenced still images.

8 Effects: Morph A fluid transition between elements, normally of a similar size and shape. Morphing uses computer animation to create the perception that two or more images seamlessly transform into each other before the observer's eyes.

9 Effects

10 Lenticular Applications Indoor Security Multilingual

11 Product Applications  Indoor Signage  Security  Bilingual/Trilingual  Premiums  Collectible  Coaster  CD/DVD Insert  Mousepad  Cup and Mug  Easel/POP Display  Counter Mat  Packaging  Shelf Talker/Dangler/Strip  Product Tip In/On  Decoder  Unsecured Card  Magnet  Label  Postcard/Mailer  Sticker  Lanyard Card

12 Conceptuals We offer a conceptual program where qualified clients can receive a "no charge" conceptual for their proposed lenticular projects and marketing presentations.

13 What’s new?  In House 3D Photo Studio

14 For more information, contact us at 800.236.7678 Thank you!

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