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2010-11 Social and Organizational Impacts of IS Diana Wilson 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "2010-11 Social and Organizational Impacts of IS Diana Wilson 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010-11 Social and Organizational Impacts of IS Diana Wilson 2010

2 Hello and Welcome Diana Wilson 2010 Diana Wilson, MA, MSc 896 3423

3 Rationale for SOIS Masters will be encouraged To develop a reflective approach to IS To think critically about IS within the workplace and society To engage in informed discourse on current issues in IS To read analytically and write to a standard required of Master’s level within academia Harvard Referencing System Plagiarism – don’t do it! To boldly go where you are not usually allowed to go….. Diana Wilson 2010

4 Themes Covered I Diana Wilson 2010 The Past Development of technology Development of a Philosophy of Technology The Origins of IS Whither, whether, whatever… Was it for this the clay grew tall? Wilfred Owen, 1893 - 19818

5 Themes Covered II The Present Current topics in IS Stop Press!!!!!!! Diana Wilson 2010

6 Themes Covered III The Future What will the future workplace look like? What will society look like? What will we look like? Diana Wilson 2010

7 Learning Approaches Mixed media, mixed formats and mixed people… Website of the Week Award There’s Jelly Babies in it! Diana Wilson 2010

8 From Apprentice to Master Diana Wilson 2010 Group work projects Set assignments 30% Peer assessment Plagiarism software used Open book terminal exam

9 In the kitchen at parties…. 1,000’s Germans opt out of Google Street View Spiegel, 20 September 2010 Bad reputation? Change your name! Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, August 2010 new computer system at HM Revenue and Customs resulted in inaccurate tax codes that led to mistakes in tens of thousands of payslips. Telegraph, 14 August 2010 Bord Gáis customer details stolen Irish Times, 17 June, 2009 Diana Wilson 2010


11 Little task: Do not despair! In your teams, design a poster/bumper sticker promoting the wonders of IS Diana Wilson 2010

12 Any Questions? Diana Wilson 2010

13 Next week…. Diana Wilson 2010 Where do I begin to tell the story….?

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