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Year 1 Meeting September 2014. Aims for the meeting: To find out about routines and procedures in year 1 To find out about the topics for the year To.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 Meeting September 2014. Aims for the meeting: To find out about routines and procedures in year 1 To find out about the topics for the year To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 Meeting September 2014

2 Aims for the meeting: To find out about routines and procedures in year 1 To find out about the topics for the year To meet each other and build a support network

3 Expectations - Behaviour The rules have been discussed and agreed with the children We have a token system to encourage good behaviour. Your child will get a sticker for every 10 tokens they receive. They will get a head teacher’s sticker for 50 tokens. Consequences for breaking rules escalate from warning, time out, loss of playtime, loss of golden time and finally, sent to Ms. Osbaldeston or Ms Carroll. You will be told if your child has missed 3 playtimes in a week. You will always be told if your child’s behaviour has resulted in being sent to the headteacher.

4 Expectations - General Be on time ready to line up when the bell rings (ie: just after 8:55am) Collect on time – wait in the MIDDLE of the playground, keeping all walkways between the school and the pergola clear. Uniform – LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME PE kit – every day Book bags in every day – no rucksacks

5 New this year – Free School Meals ALL children are eligible for a free school meal – please take advantage of this! If you were previously entitled to Free School Meals (or believe you might fit the old criteria now) please fill in a form with Leyla as it means we get more money to the school budget. Children fitting the criteria could be eligible for subsidised entry to Breakfast Club.

6 Reading / Home Learning Children will read with an adult at least twice a week. You should get feedback in the reading record book at least once a week. Please write in / initial when you have read with your child. Phonics happens every day. We will be sending high-frequency words home to learn every week. These are for learning to read AND to spell. We will also send home ‘Talk Homework’ and a maths activity.

7 New to Year One – Phonics Screening Check This takes place every June. Children are assessed on their phonic ability. They have to ‘read’ up to 20 words and 20 ‘pseudo-words’. Children who do not reach the expected level are supported further in Year 2. There will be a meeting to explain this more in February. In the mean time DON’T WORRY!

8 Topics for the year Autumn 1 – Our School Autumn 2 – Light Spring 1 – Toys & Games Spring 2 – Oliver’s Vegetables (Food) Summer 1 – Gardens & Mini-beasts Summer 2 – Islands and The Sea

9 Potential Trips Autumn: Local Walk; Science Museum? Spring: Toy Museum Summer: Horniman Museum? We also have many visitors over the year – theatre workshops, music, dance and so on.

10 How you can help in school Volunteer to come in on a regular basis to hear children read, play maths games, do creative activities, etc. You will need to meet with Ms Carroll, carry out a trial period, then complete a DBS if you are committed to regular volunteering. Volunteer to come in on specific occasions, e.g. party days, World Book Day, trips etc.

11 Supporting your child at home Regular and punctual attendance – early work starts at 9:00am sharp! Daily reading with your child (not necessarily always having your child reading to you) Home learning activities Talking about the school day Playing games – dice games, card games, board games are all fantastic ways to promote speaking and listening, turn taking and mathematical development

12 If you have any concerns… Speak to the class teacher at the earliest opportunity If you feel the matter is more serious you can also make an appointment to speak with Ms. Osbaldeston or Ms Carroll

13 Thank you for coming this morning! Please feel free to ask any questions. We are always around at the start and end of days to answer any other queries.

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