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Effective use of Sakai in promoting best practices in teaching and learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective use of Sakai in promoting best practices in teaching and learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective use of Sakai in promoting best practices in teaching and learning

2 About the presenters… Anastasia S. Morrone, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning IT, Office of the Vice President for IT and CIO, Indiana University and Associate Professor, School of Education, Indiana University Indianapolis David Goodrum, Director, Teaching and Learning Technologies Centers (TLTC), Indiana University Bloomington Anthony Whyte, Sakai Foundation, University of Michigan

3 In this interactive session, we will bring members of the academic and professional development community together with developers and the technical support community to discuss how Sakai tools support best practices in teaching and learning. The participants will discuss examples of innovative teaching practices and describe how Sakai tools support these practices. About the session …

4 The overarching goal is to explore innovative teaching practices and articulate recommendations for future Sakai enhancements. What is the goal of the session?

5 Finding your group … If you are a faculty member or a faculty developer, attach a YELLOW sticker to your name badge. If you are a developer or technical support person, attach a BLUE sticker to your name badge. THEN… Form groups of four people with two people from each group (YELLOW and BLUE).

6 1.Working in your groups, select one or two teaching scenarios from the examples provided. 2.Discuss how we can accomplish some or all of the instructional activities with the existing Sakai tools or modifications to the current tools. You have 20 minutes! Your task…

7 What were the top three things that came out of your discussions? Group reports

8 Is having a good idea enough? What needs to happen next? Next steps

9 We must continue these types of conversations with the goal to develop functional requirements that will further enhance the Sakai tools. Charge

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