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Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS). DEFINITION  An Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) is a program created by a governmental disaster recovery.

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Presentation on theme: "Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS). DEFINITION  An Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) is a program created by a governmental disaster recovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS)

2 DEFINITION  An Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) is a program created by a governmental disaster recovery or emergency management office to supplement its emergency communications operation with unpaid staff.

3 National Incident Management System (NIMS)  The ACS concept is recognized in Emergency Support Function Two (ESF 2) of NIMS  The identified ACS in many local plans is RACES.

4 HISTORY  The ACS concept, originally the Auxiliary Radio Service (ARS), developed from an incorrect assumption of the 70’s that a RACES organization was only for Radio Amateurs, and a need to utilize communication volunteers over a broader scope.  Experience during the recovery phase of the Northridge Earthquake (CA 1994) led to the evolution and expansion of ACS.  ACS and the Incident Command System (ICS) were both initially developed in the mega- disasters of California.

5 APPLICATION  ACS makes possible the effective management and utilization of personnel from Amateur Radio, CAP, MARS, REACT, CERT, and others; in support of emergency communications and disaster recovery.  ACS makes it possible to use skilled individuals in roles other than radio operators.  The common thread is communication related tasking.

6 OPERATIONS  Participation in day to day operations leads to familiarization for emergency and disaster response.  May include participation in planning and preparation for local scenarios.  Normally mobilized at the same time as other public safety resources responding to a developing incident.

7 Where Do We Go From Here?  RACES personnel will be involved with the installation and testing of equipment in the RACES Room of the new EOC, and MCP.  RACES personnel, in cooperation with EOC staff, will develop plans, documentation and SOP’s to support the Emergency Operations Center communication functions.

8 ACTIVITIES & EVENTS  RACES personnel will provide EOC communication support, in the interim, developing a familiarity with the center’s function.  RACES personnel will participate in drills, exercises and other events to develop proficiency in their craft.

9 TRAINING  Training opportunities, classes, and testing will be offered to any interested Amateur Radio operator.  The Probationary Period gives individuals the opportunity to participate while getting the training and certifications required.

10 The End  Thank you for your interest, for more information and contact see: WWW.SUSSEXCOUNTYRACES.COM

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