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 in short answers e.g. Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.  to avoid repeating the main verb/ verb phrase e.g. Lucy loves Lady Gaga, but her boyfriend doesn’t (love.

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Presentation on theme: " in short answers e.g. Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.  to avoid repeating the main verb/ verb phrase e.g. Lucy loves Lady Gaga, but her boyfriend doesn’t (love."— Presentation transcript:


2  in short answers e.g. Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.  to avoid repeating the main verb/ verb phrase e.g. Lucy loves Lady Gaga, but her boyfriend doesn’t (love Lady Gaga)

3  with so/ neither to say that something is the same after a positive verb So + auxiliary + subject e.g. I like Simon. So do I. after a negative verb Neither + auxiliary + subject e.g. I don’t like mushrooms. Neither do I.

4  to show emphasis in a positive sentence. With the present/past simple, add do/does/did after the main verb. With other auxiliaries to stress the auxiliary verb. e. g. You didn’t close the door. I did it. I promise.

5  to make ‘echo questions’ to show interest e. g. Do you like having a nap after dinner? Do I ? I love it.  to make question tags

6 Use a positive question tag with a negative verb and a negative question tag with a positive vrb

7  to ask another person to agree with you e. g. It’s a nice hotel, isn’t it?  to check something you think is true e. g. Your mother is a nurse, isn’t she?

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