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Head movement Oct. 3, 2012 – Day 15 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University.

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Presentation on theme: "Head movement Oct. 3, 2012 – Day 15 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Head movement Oct. 3, 2012 – Day 15 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University

2 C OURSE MANAGEMENT We need to spend our $150 from the Provost’s Undergraduate Activities Fund. 10/03/12 2 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

3 HEAD MOVEMENT Radford §4 10/03/12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane 3

4 §4.2 T-TO-C MOVEMENT My version of (1) A: What did you ask? B: Whether you will marry me. A: What? B: Will you marry me? Do you like Radford’s sentence? A: What did you ask? B: If you will marry me. Interim summary: a question can be introduced by an interrogative complementizer or an inverted auxiliary. But not both: A: What did you ask? B: Whether will you marry me? 10/03/12 4 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane *

5 WHETHER VS. T-TO-C MOVEMENT, 1 ST TRY 10/03/12 5 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane TP T’T’PRN you VP T will V marry PRN me CP C whethe r C TP T’T’PRN you VP T will V marry PRN me CP ----- will

6 WHY MOVE? Head position strength and attractiveness An interrogative C is strong and so must be filled by an overt word, either a complementizer (subordinating conjunction) or an auxiliary verb. A null complementizer attracts an auxiliary verb to a strong C. Perhaps C carries a tense feature [ TNS ø] which must be realized on an tensed verb, which is to say that [ TNS ø] is an affix. So the tensed auxiliary verb moves up and adjoins to C, causing the deletion of itself in T and the merger and deletion of [ TNS ø] in C – see the following slide. 10/03/12 6 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

7 T-TO-C MOVEMENT AS ADJUNCTION OF T TO TENSE IN C 10/03/12 7 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane TP T’T’PRN you VP T will V marry PRN me CP C [TNS] ø PRN me C TP T’T’ PRN you VP T will V marry CP T will C [TNS] ø

8 A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ADJUNCTION TO SHOW ITS MORPHOLOGICAL RESULT 10/03/12 8 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane PRN me TP T’T’ PRN you VP T will V marry CP C will+ø PRN me C TP T’T’PRN you VP T will V marry CP T will C [TNS] ø

9 §4.3 MOVEMENT AS COPYING & DELETION 10/03/12 9 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane PRN me TP T’T’ PRN you VP V marry CP C will+ø What would happen if will were to vanish from TP after moving to C, as in (8) below? has no head has a single branch

10 COPY THEORY OF MOVEMENT T contains gapped (elided < ellipsis) material 11a) He could have helped her, or she could have helped him. (no gapping) 11b) He could have helped her, or she could have helped him. (gapping) The latter is questionable for me. Procedure/algorithm for (head) movement A copy of the target element moves to the target node. The original occurrence of the target element is deleted by giving it null spellout. 10/03/12 10 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

11 SOME EVIDENCE FOR COPYING IN T-TO-C MVT Auxiliary copying in young children (Sam age 2) 14a) Can its wheels can spin? 14b) Did the kitchen light did flash? 14c) Is the steam is hot? 14d) Was that was Anna? Have cliticization 16a) Should they have called the police? 16a) *Should they’ve called the police? *Should they should ’ve called the police? should blocks the adjacency between they and ve. 10/03/12 11 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

12 V-TO-T MOVEMENT Radford §4.4 10/03/12 12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

13 E LIZABETHAN E NGLISH 20a) She shall not see me. 22b) Didst thou not hear somebody? 24a) I care not for her. 10/03/12 13 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

14 TP T’T’PRN she VP T shall ADV not VP CP CøCø PRN me V marry POSITION OF NOT : VP ADVERB 10/03/12 14 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

15 V-TO-T MOVEMENT 10/03/12 15 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane TP T’T’PRN I VP T Af 1sgPr ADV not VP CP CøCø PPV care P for PRN her Tense must be strong in Elizabethan English and weak in modern English care+

16 10/03/12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane 16

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