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Auxiliary President – Elections-May 10th - We need volunteers for the upcoming year Officers. Make sure to have your membership card so that you will be.

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Presentation on theme: "Auxiliary President – Elections-May 10th - We need volunteers for the upcoming year Officers. Make sure to have your membership card so that you will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auxiliary President – Elections-May 10th - We need volunteers for the upcoming year Officers. Make sure to have your membership card so that you will be able to vote. Poppy Day-May 27 & 28 – Debbie Cianci will be at Wal-Mart on Mobile Hwy for Poppy Day starting at 9AM. Come out and support our veterans with a donation and support your Auxiliary by being there. Our delegate for Girls State is Marissa Frangione. Marissa will be representing our Unit in Tallahassee from July 8th – July 16th. We all wish her great success as one of our future leaders. I want to welcome three new members; Jennifer Hattayer, Tina Chadwick and Anna Posada. We are looking forward meeting and working with you in the Auxiliary. At the April meeting the 50/50 was won by Beck Krahn who donated it back to the Auxiliary and the ‘Incentive Drawing’ name was Suzie Cooper for $80 who was not present; therefore, the next ‘Incentive Drawing’ will be for $90. I want to thank our membership chairman, DJ Jones, for her fantastic job in helping the Auxiliary reach 113% membership this year. For God and Country Mary Taffaro Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED COMMANDER Jimmy Martin 982-1947 ADJUTANT Michael Munoz 292-1464 1ST VICE COMMANDER Marsha Martin 982-5750 2ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jake Taffaro 251-987-5848 FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly 944-7741 HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn 458-0530 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS John Gilkerson 455-3740 CHAPLAIN Delbert Murray 429-9836 Cell 404-729-7972 SERVICE OFFICER Greg Grover 450-3702 ALR DIRECTOR J.D. Ellis 554-5257 SAL COMMANDER Mark Seaman 453-4357 HOUSE COMMITTEE Phil Gist 456-2914 Al Rogers 455-2741 Bill Eastman 457-8419 Ken Shepherd 457-7238 Frank O’Neal 910-0326 LOUNGE MANAGER John Mille 455-6111 FOR GOD AND COUNTRY MAY 2011 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice 1 st Vice Commander - I would like to extend a big “WELCOME” to all of our new members. We are currently at 97% and only need 27 new members to reach 100% membership plus one for the year. Please come out and join us for our Membership Appreciation Day on Sunday 15 May – see details on back. For God and Country Marsha Martin Commander’s Corner At the General Membership Meeting on April 12, I opened nominations for Post Officers for 2011 – 2012 again. Commander: NONE, 1st Vice: NONE, 2nd Vice: NONE, 3rd Vice: Bill Eastman, Chaplain: NONE, Finance Officer: NONE, Sgt-at-Arms: Richard Rayborn, Historian: NONE, House Committee: Al Rogers, Richard Rayborn, Phil Gist, Shawn Jufcak. Nominations will be held the day of elections on May 10, 2011. People running for office are like Post Volunteers, whenever we do either, we are over worked and burned out. Please volunteer to help the Post. I want to thank Mike Holdener for his $300.00 donation to pay for burgers and dogs for the Cleanup crew we had on April 16. Speaking of that, a special thanks to the 12 people from the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts (and their parents) for their help in cleaning/clearing/repairing the Horse Shoe Pits and Volleyball Court and Pavilion area. Another thanks to the 14 Post and Auxiliary members who helped. We didn’t get all the things done I wanted to, but you can’t overwork volunteers. The front of the Post looks really good now. The New Post signs are up and look really great. Stop by the Post and check them out. To date we have raised about $7500.00 towards the Replacement/repair of the Fire Alarm System. We have received one Bid to fix it for about $20,000. So you see, we need more fund raisers. Please support the Ladies of Unit 240. Please come and join us for our Memorial Day Ceremony at 1230 on 30 May. We must remember those who paid the ultimate price for America’s freedom. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Mary Taffaro 251-978-0420 CHAPLAIN Mary Fahrforth 261-7040 3rd Vice Commander We welcome spring with open arms and the turn out for our April Fish Fry reflects just that. The plastic wrap around the cook shack is being removed for air flow while, preparations are being made for a deep cleaning that will be done during the Post cleanup on April 16th. There will be quite a few activities at the Post during the month of April and May so, we look forward to seeing you there and welcome your support. As always, we look forward to seeing you the first Sunday in May, so brings some friends with you and join us for some good food, family time and friendship. Serving starts at 2:00 pm until gone. Again, thanks to our fish fry staff for volunteering their personal time to provide you with a great meal. For God and Country – Jake Taffaro Hello Riders, First of all I would like to welcome new members; Jimmy Young, Mike Busby, and Kevin Houghton to the Post and the Riders, welcome aboard! April has been a busy month at the Post and all the charity rides, and it looks like May will be just as busy. On May 7th ALR Chapter 382 will be hosting the Chris Rapp Memorial poker run in Navarre. On May 14th is the Save a Baby poker run at Bobbi J's in Pensacola, also on the 14th Southern Cruisers Dice Run for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital at Knuckleheads. May 21st Amvets Post 12 poker run for Florida Veterans Home. May 27th-30th Memorial Day Weekend Post 340 has camping and rides all week-end long and May 30 th is Post 240’s Open House at 12:30. Since our ALR ride has been cancelled we can support other charity rides in our area, but don't forget to plan ahead for our next Poker Run on September 3rd. We can use the extra time as a group to get those idea's, donations and support rolling. As always support our Post, Auxiliary and Son's of the American Legion. Ride and Be Safe. J.D. Ellis, Director To all of our wonderful Mom’s!!

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