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Week 3: Lesson 1B English Writing (I) Level 1 Objectives Identify the subject, main verb, auxiliary verb(s), and modifiers in a simple sentences (Review)

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2 Week 3: Lesson 1B English Writing (I) Level 1

3 Objectives Identify the subject, main verb, auxiliary verb(s), and modifiers in a simple sentences (Review) Identify auxiliary verbs or helping verbs Identify objects Identify direct and indirect objects Understand the pattern of S+V+IO+DO and the pattern of S+V+DO+pre+IO

4 Identify the subject, main verb, auxiliary verb(s), and modifiers in a simple sentences (Review) Mr. Lin is alone down the street. S V S.C. M(odifier) for place The grand glacier melted very quickly. S V M(adv) M(adv) The glacier looks spectacular from a distance. S V S.C. M (Pre.P. for place) The glacier has been melting and slipped into the sea S aux. V conj. V M (Pre.P. for direction) The glacier is beginning to melt at the moment. S aux. V O (infinitive) M (Pre.P. for time) (

5 Exercise Their buyer has rejected our offer. Prices will rise after the year. Ms. Wang has been distributing the brochures. Their senior accountant was laid off yesterday. Our contract is lying on the table. All employees in our store earn a good salary. Who won the game? What do you want from me?

6 Identify auxiliary verbs or helping verbs Helping verbs or auxiliary verbs such as will, shall, may, might, can, could, must, ought to, should, would, used to, need are used in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of time and mood. e.g. By next June, I will have been studying English for 10 years. (aux. v) V

7 Identify auxiliary verbs or helping verbs (Conti.) I shall go now. He had won the election. They did write that novel together. I am going now. He was winning the election. They have been writing that novel for a long time.

8 Identify objects Objects are the receiver of action within a sentence. e.g. All students wrote their papers. e.g. The teacher remembered me. e.g. I make him laugh. e.g. I teach him geography.

9 Identify direct and indirect objects A direct object is the receiver of action within a sentence, as in "He hit the ball.“ The indirect object identifies to or for whom or what the action of the verb is performed. The direct object and indirect object are different people or places or things. Verbs that usually have I.O. and D.O. are give, bring, lend, send, show, sing, write, buy, etc. e.g.They gave their daughter a hug. S V I.O D.O.

10 Identify direct and indirect objects (Exercise) The instructor gave his students A's. Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money. Jo-Bob sold me her boat. Rose brought me all his collections. Peter fed the blue turtle a dead mouse.

11 Understand the pattern of S+V+IO+DO and the pattern of S+V+DO+pre+IO We wish you success. S V d O i O d Tara reads me a poem. 間接受詞與 直接受詞 對調時,要加入適當 的介系詞 S V d O i O d Wayne bought his wife roses. S V d O i O d John gave me a pen. S V d O i O d Terry bought a ring for her mother. S V d O d O i

12 授與動詞搭配的介系詞 授 與 動 詞授 與 動 詞 介系詞 1 bring give lend offer pay teach tell write sell throw send show mail to 2 buy choose make leave order find cook get for 3 ask of 詢問 4 read bring to/for 5 borrow from

13 Pattern A direct object + to + indirect object The store mailed the boots to John. The store mailed the boots to him. The store mailed them to John. The store mailed them to him. With verbs such as announce, describe, explain, mention, recommend, return, and say, the indirect object cannot precede the direct object. Sentences follow pattern A above. direct object + to + indirect object They explained the new product (it) to their customers (them).

14 Pattern B indirect object + direct object The store mailed John the boots. The store mailed him the boots. With verbs such as allow, ask, suggest, cause, and cost, the indirect object generally precedes the direct object and takes no preposition. Sentences follow pattern B above. indirect object + direct object Pattern B: indirect object + direct object The boots cost John (him) a hundred dollars. John asked the store (them) several questions about his bill.

15 Companies want to get customers to try their new products. So they send them free samples. Companies want to get customers to try their new products. So they send free samples to them.

16 Exercise 1. 我跟我朋友推薦這部電影。 2. 他寫信給我快一年了。 3. 請解釋給我聽你缺席的理由。 4. 媽媽寄給我一箱水果。 5.Peter 建議我一個通過這次考試的方法。

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