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Ana Maria Oliveira Vanessa Figueiredo Out. 2003 Old and New Paradigms in the Measurement of R&D Science, Technology & Innovation Policy 1.

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1 Ana Maria Oliveira Vanessa Figueiredo Out. 2003 Old and New Paradigms in the Measurement of R&D Science, Technology & Innovation Policy 1

2 Out. 2003 ► 1930s Soviet Union ► 1940s United States ► 1950s National Science Foundation (NSF) - USA Regular Survey of R&D Manual Frascati (1963) Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D Historic Facts (1993 introduced improvements in methodology of manual) ► 1997 Oslo Manual (introduction the innovation data)

3 Out. 2003 Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D ► The number of R&D performing firms is higher in Innovation surveys than that emerging from the R&D survey ► The concept of “full-time equivalent” for measuring the quantity and quantity of work done by professionals engaged in R&D is less and less tenable Paradigms In The Measurements

4 Out. 2003 Number of employees Innovation firms which carried out or commissioned R&D Total number of firms Firms which carried out in-house R&D Department where the in -house R&D was performed* Total number % of total innovating firms Corporat e R&D lab Division al R&D lab Design departm ent Productio n departme nt Other 20-4963716.26261523344343120 50-9958332.65811693742336227 100-19950641.85031825635229021 200-49947958.847720910032529412 500 over35275.435121513322617010 TOTAL255731.125389273591769154790 * Figures may exceed the total number of innovating firms since they may have carried out R&D activities in more than one department Source: Cesaratto et al(1991) Table 1 – Innovating firms involved in R&D, and those which carried out in-house R&D, by department where the R&D was carried out, 1985

5 Out. 2003 Number of employe es Innovati on firms perform ing R&D % Total R&D expenditure R&D personnel full-time equivalent (billion lire) (million $)* Researcher Technic ians Auxiliary personnel Total% Total personne l per firm 20-4963724.912999470106150520364.13.2 50-9958322.8199153627131978227285.44.7 100-19950619.8249191826153791632796.5 200-49947918.7582447201125161661618812.412.9 500 over35213.839113004141121236893453582571.6101.8 TOTAL2557100507038941804618801132095005610019.6 * The conversion has been calculated using the 1985 OECD purchasing power parities: US$!=1,302 lire Source: Cesaratto et al(1991) Table 2 – Resources devoted to R&D by innovating firms, 1985

6 Out. 2003 Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D 507038321985 844173621992 R&D expenditure (billion lire) 42297481992 25577931985 R&D performing firms (number) Innovation SurveyR&D Survey 80% 14% Table 3 – R&D performing firms and R&D expenditure as measured by the R&D and innovation surveys, 1985 and 1992

7 Out. 2003 Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D R&D Survey Innovation Survey R&D Survey Figure 1 – R&D performing firms and R&D expenditure as measured by the R&D and innovation survey (1992) Number of R&D performing firms R&D expenditure

8 Out. 2003 Table 4 – Main features of the R&D and innovation surveys and their impact on the measurement of R&D Features of surveysR&D SurveyInnovation Survey Definition of R&DDetailed, along with examples (-)Short, without examples (+) ScopeR&D (-) Innovation activities, with an ad hoc section on R&D (+) Activities included in R&D R&D and possibility other innovative activities (+) Only R&D, because other innovate activities are listed in the questionnaire (-) Typical respondentR&D managerTop official, technical manager Sources of data R&D budget with moderate evaluation of resources involved Reconstruction of innovation expenditure with greater scope for evaluation Statistical population Register of R&D - performing firms (-)Census of innovating firms (+) CoverageAll R&D - performing firms (+) Firms which have not innovated, but which have carried out R&D in the reference period, are excluded (-) Involvement in R&DOnly R&D - performing firms R&D - performing firms as well as firms outsourcing R&D (+) Type of R&DContinuous, structured (-)Continuous and occasional (+)

9 Out. 2003 Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D ► It is expected that two sets of data on (industrial) R&D may tell two different realities ► R&D survey using a complex and detailed questionnaire may discourage firms without specific R&D strategic and budget The number of R&D performing firms is higher in Innovation surveys than that emerging from the R&D survey ► Innovation survey captures a large variety of firms which have introduced technological innovation and, at the same time have been involved in R&D ► It would be wrong the assumption that the R&D data are collected through the innovation surveys

10 Out. 2003 Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D The concept of “full-time equivalent” for measuring the quantity and quantity of work done by professionals engaged in R&D is less and less tenable ► The knowledge gained in one activity reinforces the skill in performing another activity “If you want something done, ask the busy person”

11 Out. 2003 Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D ► More flexibility and comprehensive concepts for describing the complex process of R&D ► Update measurements tools, better placed to answer old and emerging questions about R&D and its impact Conclusions Sources: Sirilli, G. (1998), Old and new paradigms in the measurement of R&D, Science and Public Policy. 25 (5), pp 305-311. Conceição, P., Ávila, P. (2001), Inovação em Portugal, II Inquérito Comunitário às Actividades de Inovação, Oeiras, Celta Bóia, M. (2003), Determinants of Innovation in Portugal

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