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Santa Margarita Catholic High School Borchard Library Media Center Orientation Updated July 2011.

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2 Santa Margarita Catholic High School Borchard Library Media Center Orientation Updated July 2011

3 About the library ◦ Hours  2011 Summer School hours ◦ Monday-Friday: 7:00am to 3:30pm  2011-2012 school year ◦ Monday – Thursday: 7:00am-6:00pm ◦ Friday: 7:00am to 4:00pm ◦ Staff  Librarian: Mrs. FinnMrs. Finn  Library Assistant: Ms. LaudatoMs. Laudato

4 Purpose of the library ◦ Access information about SMCHS Access information about SMCHS  Student passwords; wireless password for library; research database passwords, service hour forms  Internet access  Research center ◦ Books, magazines, newspapers, online databases, Microsoft Office programs, programs for specific classes ◦ Services Services  Copying, printing, and scanning  Tutoring location  Location for group and individual studying ◦ Help is available by email, voicemail, and in person Help is available by email, voicemail, and in person  Visit> Academics> Library Media Center for more

5 ◦ Access information about SMCHS  Service hour forms; student passwords; wireless password for library; research database passwords  63 networked student computers are available for students to check grades, print out schoolwork, conduct research, and complete other school related tasks  Locate and borrow books  Teacher web pages  Research center ◦ Books, magazines, newspapers, online databases, Microsoft Office programs, programs for specific classes

6 Library services  Copying, printing, and scanning ◦ Every SMCHS student begins with $10.00 credit in a copy account; students can learn their balance and add money in the library  Student copy accounts are separate from SMCHS ID card accounts  Printing costs: $.04 per black and white page; $.50 per color page  Copying costs: $.10 per black and white page; $.50 per color page  Scanning information is free ◦ Students can bring a USB drive from home or purchase a USB drive for $10.00  Tutoring location ◦ NHS – National Honor Society students offer free tutoring 4 times a week in the library  See Mrs. Coleen Barry (English Department), Ms. Laudato (Library Assistant), or Mrs. Finn (Librarian) for detailsMrs. Coleen Barry Ms. Laudato Mrs. Finn  Location for group and individual studying  Free Wi-Fi – see library staff for password

7 ◦ Help is available by email, voicemail, and in person  Visit> Academics> Library Media Center for more  Stop by the library anytime to ask for assistance

8 It is time to practice your skills!!! ◦ See a library staff member for a practice sheet or write your answers on a piece of lined paper.

9 1. Name one class that Religion teacher, Mrs. Johnson teaches. ◦ Hint: Go to> Academics> Classes/

10 2. Write down one vocabulary word from Dr. DiCamillo’s Academic Strategies class for Summer School 2011. ◦ Hint: Go to> Academics> Auxiliary Studies Program> Academic Strategies> Dr. DiCamillo> Period 1, Period 2, or Period

11 3. Get the passwords for the Research Databases from the library Circulation Desk. ◦ Go to> Academics> Library Media Center> Research ◦ Select EBSCO, login into the EBSCO site, name the last link on the EBSCO site. ◦ Hint: this symbol is next to the last link

12 4. Visit the Online Book Catalog for the SMCHS library. ◦ Name one book (not video) about eagles ◦ Hint: Go to> Academics> Library Media Center> Online Book

13 5. Write the name of your counselor. ◦ Hint: Go to>

14 6. Write the name of the electronic grading program? ◦ Hint: It begins with the letter “A”.

15 7. Write down or ask a library staff member any other questions you have.

16 Thank you for visiting the Borchard Library at Santa Margarita Catholic High School.

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