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WORKING PAPER Salary-related issues May 2009. Working paper, Salary-related issues Introduction A strategy that measures up to our goals Do away with.

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1 WORKING PAPER Salary-related issues May 2009

2 Working paper, Salary-related issues Introduction A strategy that measures up to our goals Do away with the 2005 decrees Win back the right to free collective bargaining Maximize our chances of settling new collective agreements before April 1, 2010 Necessity of a historic common front Public services are precious particularly in times of economic uncertainty Negotiation with few but important targets

3 1. Salary demands a) Protecting purchasing power b) Catch-up pay c) Collective enrichment Working paper, Salary-related issues

4 1. Salary demands a) Protecting purchasing power We propose that salary rates and scales be increased by the following percentages to take account of inflation: 2% on April 1, 2010 2% on April 1, 2011 2% on April 1, 2012 plus an inflation protection clause if the CPI increases by more than 2%. Working paper, Salary-related issues

5 b) Catch-up pay A catch-up raise corresponding to 1.75% of total payrol per year. This percentage would be calculated of the average rate of pay and then integrated into salary rates and scales as a flat amount. Working paper, Salary-related issues 1. Salary demands

6 b) Catch-up pay - example Actual payCatch-up raiseNew hourly rate Increase (%) 26.51 $ / hour (average rate) 0.46 $ / hour26.97 $ / hour1.75 % 19.03 $ / hour0.46 $ / hour19.49 $ / hour2.43 % 37.03 $ / hour0.46 $ / hour37.49 $ / hour1.25 % Working paper, Salary-related issues 1. Salary demands

7 c) Enrichment We want a commitment from government to resume discussions aimed at agreeing on the amount to be paid as a share in the increase in collective wealth if the nominal GDP grows by more than 3.75%. Working paper, Salary-related issues 1. Salary demands

8 In conclusion: Unless inflation exceeds 2%, and apart from any share in the increase in collective wealth, raises would total 11.25% for three years. The average increases in salary rates and scales for each year would be as follows: 3.75% on April 1, 2010 3.75% on April 1, 2011 3.75% on April 1, 2012 It is understood that flat-rate premiums would be increased on the same basis as pay. Working paper, Salary-related issues 1. Salary demands

9 2. Salary relativity That the CSN, if possible together with the other union organizations, begin work with the government parallel to negotiations at the central table on the whole issue of salary relativity, and that this work start by evaluating gender-neutral job classes. Working paper, Salary-related issues

10 3. Duration of the collective agreement That the duration of the next collective agreement be two years and nine months, from April 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012. Working paper, Salary-related issues

11 Pensions Funding the RREGOP Contributions formula Indexing Removing the ceiling on years of service Phased retirement Working paper, Salary-related issues

12 Pensions 4. Funding the RREGOP That the current method of funding the RREGOP (for the portion paid by participants) be replaced by the distribution of accrued benefits with projection of salaries method, known as the “single premium” method, for the actuarial valuation to be done on the basis of the December 31, 2008 data. Working paper, Salary-related issues

13 5. Contributions formula That in the framework of discussions on the funding formula for the REGOP, changes be made in the contributions formula so that contributions are paid on earnings exceeding 25% of maximum pensionable earnings instead of 35% of maximum pensionable earnings, and that any increase in costs resulting from this change for any contributing employees be borne by the government. Working paper, Salary-related issues Pensions

14 5. Contributions formula - 35 % of MPE Annual income Contribution rate (over 16 205 $) Amount on which contri- butions are paid ContributionsReal contribution rate (total earnings) 29 000 $8.19 %12 795 $1 047.91 $3.6 % 70 000 $8.19 %53 795 $4 405.81 $6.3 % Working paper, Salary-related issues Pensions

15 5. Contributions formula - 25 % of MPE Annual income Hypothetical Contribution rate (over 11 575 $) Amount on which contri- butions are paid ContributionsReal contribution rate (total earnings) 29 000 $7 %17 425 $1 219.75 $4.2 % 70 000 $7 %58 425 $4 089.75 $5.8 % Working paper, Salary-related issues Pensions

16 6. Indexing That once the RREGOP fund’s assets exceed liabilities by 20%, the indexing formula for years of service since 2000, namely CPI – 3%, minimum of 50% of CPI,2 be applied to contributory years of service between July 1, 1982 and December 31, 1999. Working paper, Salary-related issues Pensions

17 7. Removing the ceiling on years of service That the ceiling of 35 years of “contributory” service entitling a participant to a life annuity of 2% per year be abolished. Working paper, Salary-related issues Pensions

18 8. Phased retirement That discussions on phased retirement be undertaken with the other union organizations. Working paper, Salary-related issues Pensions

19 9. In support of family-work-study balance That we demand that the Québec government adopt framework legislation promoting family-work-study balance. Working paper, Salary-related issues

20 Other proposals 10. Skilled workers That a technical management-labour committee be created with the mandate of reviewing the issue of the working conditions of skilled workers and making recommendations to the parties. Working paper, Salary-related issues

21 Other central-table items Given the strategic framework for this round of collective bargaining, the CSN and its federations agree that demands on regional disparities, group insurance, premiums and arbitration costs will be addressed at the sectoral level and harmonized if need be. We want to ensure the closest possible co-ordination on these matters, at least within the CSN. Working paper, Salary-related issues Other proposals

22 11. Mandate to harmonize That the union mandate the federation to do the work needed to harmonize central-table demands with the other CSN federations and with Common Front partners. Working paper, Salary-related issues Other proposals

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