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April 2015 Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program Proposed Scope and Objectives JLARC Staff: Ryan McCord Amanda Ondrick.

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Presentation on theme: "April 2015 Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program Proposed Scope and Objectives JLARC Staff: Ryan McCord Amanda Ondrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2015 Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program Proposed Scope and Objectives JLARC Staff: Ryan McCord Amanda Ondrick

2 Why a JLARC study of Training Benefits?  2011 legislation directed JLARC to evaluate the Training Benefits Program this year and every five years thereafter  In 2012, JLARC staff presented a briefing report laying out our proposed approach to the evaluation April 2015Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program2/7

3 Program started in 2000 and administered by Employment Security Department Provides up to 26 weeks of extended unemployment payments for people in training Unemployed workers who are dislocated, low-income, disabled, military, or National Guard are eligible Participants do not need to look for work while in training April 2015Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program3/7

4 Overview of Training Benefits Program People receiving benefits per year on average 1,400 Total spending per year on average $13 million Funded by employer payroll taxes April 2015Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program4/7

5 Study scope addresses program implementation and outcomes Examine the implementation and operation of the program Review characteristics of program participants Evaluate effectiveness in re-employing people in high demand occupations April 2015Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program5/7

6 Five study objectives Implemented according to legislative intent? Are the program partners working together effectively? Administrative costs? 1 Who are program participants? How do participants’ employment outcomes compare to nonparticipants’? 2 3 4 5 April 2015Unemployment Insurance Training Benefits Program6/7

7 Next Steps and Contacts Preliminary Report December 2015 Proposed Final ReportJanuary 2016 Ryan McCord, Project Lead 360-786-5186 Amanda Ondrick, Research Analyst 360-786-5174 Mark Fleming, Research Analyst 360-786-5181 Valerie Whitener, Project Supervisor 360-786-5191

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