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Unit 6A: Interdependence and adaptation. What does a plant need to grow well? Do you think they have been in different environments? Why do you think.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6A: Interdependence and adaptation. What does a plant need to grow well? Do you think they have been in different environments? Why do you think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6A: Interdependence and adaptation

2 What does a plant need to grow well? Do you think they have been in different environments? Why do you think one of the plants is healthy and one is not?

3 Unit 6A: Interdependence and adaptation Fertiliser Nutrients Producer Predator Prey Food Chain Consumer Key Suited Plant food Added to soil to help plants grow Essential foods needed by plants and animals A living thing which produces its own food An animal that kills and eats other animals An animal that is eaten by a predator A sequence of organisms in a feeding relationship An animal that feeds on other living things Used to determine the identity of a plant or animal An animal or plant suited to its surroundings fits in well Liquid or pellets which provide plants with essential nutrients

4 Unit 6A: Growing Healthy Plants: L.O. 1, 2, 3, 4: N.C. 2.1b, 2.3a, 2.3b Unit 6A: Growing Healthy Plants Plant PartObservations Leaves Stem Petals Roots What will happen to the unhealthy plant if it is put on the windowsill for a few days?

5 Unit 6A: Growing Healthy Plants: L.O. 1, 2, 3, 4: N.C. 2.1b, 2.3a, 2.3b Unit 6A: Growing Healthy Plants Plant requirementsCupboardWindowsill Light Air Moisture

6 Unit 6A: Growing Healthy Plants: L.O. 1, 2, 3, 4: N.C. 2.1b, 2.3a, 2.3b Unit 6A: Growing Healthy Plants Healthy plants need water and sunlight Water is taken in by the roots Sunlight is taken in by the leaves

7 Unit 6A: Fertilisers: L.O. 5: N.C. Unit 6A: Fertilisers Plants take in nutrients along with the water they take in through the roots Plant nutrients How do animals get the nutrients they need into their systems?

8 Unit 6A: Interdependence: L.O. 7, 8: N.C. Unit 6A: Interdependence What is interdependence?

9 Unit 6A: L.O. 9,10 Unit 6A: Food Chains RosebushGreenflyLadybirdBird Producer1 st consumer2 nd consumer 3 rd consumer Construct your own food chain using the following information: Owls eat mice Mice eat seeds, leaves and fruit Foxes eat owls Your chain must begin with the producer

10 Unit 6A: L.O. 14,15 Unit 6A: Soils Different soils are really important for the type of plants that can be grown in them. You have 2 soil samples to look at. Using a hand lense or a magnifying glass record as many things as you can about the soil. ObservationSoil sample 1Soil sample 2 Colour Pieces of rock Water Stickiness Bits of plant/animals

11 Unit 6A: L.O. 14,15 Unit 6A: What are the soils good for? Now you have studied both soils, what do you think each would be good for? Things you will need to consider are: Would water be able to drain out of the soil? Do you think it would be a good environment for plants/animals to live? You need to explain each of your answers in as much detail as possible.

12 Unit 6A: L.O. 16, 17 Unit 6A: Different Habitats WoodlandRiverbankWastelandSeashore For each of the habitats what plants and animals would you expect to find? HabitatAnimals /Plants Woodland Seashore Wasteland Riverbank

13 Unit 6A: L.O. 16, 17 Unit 6A: Different animals, different habitats Choose one of the animals above then answer the questions below in as much detail as possible. What habitat does the animal live in? Is it hot or cold? Is there much vegetation in the habitat? What special features help the animal survive in its habitat?

14 Unit 6A: Keys: L.O. 6: N.C. 2.4a Unit 6A: Food Chains Construct as many food chains as you can from the animals and plants shown in the pictures

15 Unit 6A: Summary Interdependence and Adaptation Use Need light to grow Need leaves Air Light Water Different animals Suited to environment Different plants Suited to habitat Plants and animals rely on each other Begin with plant (producer) Different plants in different soils Roots anchor the plants Water and nutrients taken in through the roots Different habitats Green plants Interdependence Food chains Soils and plants

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