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Data in an Antelope ORB ORB stands for Object Ring Buffer A Data Structure that Simulates a Water Wheel Antelope 'orbserver' Process is the Attendant!

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Presentation on theme: "Data in an Antelope ORB ORB stands for Object Ring Buffer A Data Structure that Simulates a Water Wheel Antelope 'orbserver' Process is the Attendant!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data in an Antelope ORB ORB stands for Object Ring Buffer A Data Structure that Simulates a Water Wheel Antelope 'orbserver' Process is the Attendant!

2 1.Create a Basic “Real Time Instance” Make a new directory rt_example and go there Run: rtinit This quickly sets up the typical directory structure that is used with an ORB.

3 2.Setup the Environment Set the PFPATH Environment Variable *** This and other important Antelope settings are most easily accomplished by sourcing the Antelope setup script *** source /opt/antelope/5.x/ Grab a local, editable copy of cp /opt/antelope/5.x/data/pf/

4 3.Configure the Real Time Instance Edit In the Defines table, set the ORB listening port: ORB localhost:12345 In the Processes and Run tables: Enable orbserver and orb2db processes. Comment out or delete the rest. Add the slink2orb process slink slink2orb $ORB

5 4.Start the Real Time System Run rtm in the Background: rtm & Look at the Process List. Notice rtexec. This is the program that starts and manages the rest of the programs, runs cron jobs, restart operations, etc.

6 5.Start the SEED Link transfer Edit./pf/ In the stations list, add a station of your choosing from the USArray, for example: TA_W18A or TA_M29A Watch rtm as the slink2orb process restarts. Watch as the database is created in./db. The miniseed files are placed in the 2010 directory Click on the various processes and select View Log

7 Exercise Summary An ORB is easy to set up, and easy to write to using standard tcp host:portname notation, (and the Antelope orbput, orbreap functions). Packets come through the ORB where processes are listening for them. In this case, orb2db was listening for SEED packets.

8 Additional Uses The ORB is a powerful tool that can be used for any kind of processing where different programs are waiting for data from another process. In my work, we have interdependent processes driven by earthquake events, including: focal mechanism and moment tensor calculations ShakeMap generation PSA, PGV, PGA, PGD calculations Real time reporting to USGS/NEIC. Real time event maps and public reporting Cross Correlation locations.

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