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How to teach the EU Professor R. Daniel Kelemen Director, Center for European Studies Rutgers University.

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Presentation on theme: "How to teach the EU Professor R. Daniel Kelemen Director, Center for European Studies Rutgers University."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to teach the EU Professor R. Daniel Kelemen Director, Center for European Studies Rutgers University

2 Teaching Resources: EU Centers of Excellence Network of European Union Centers of Excellence : Which includes: –Lesson Plans –Multimedia Resources –External Links University of Washington : University of Pittsburgh : Teach Europe Resources page: New York Times, Learning Network Blog: Outreachworld

3 Outline The bad news: I don’t know how to teach high school or middle school students. You do! Resources for teaching the EU Some Major themes Discussion

4 Teaching Resources: EU resources EU Resources –EU Delegation to the US Teaching Resources: ntent&task=view&id=2144&Itemid=9 ntent&task=view&id=2144&Itemid=9 –EU Teachers’ Corner: corner/ –The EU in Slides: –EU Kid’s Corner: –EU Games/Quizzes Competitions: EUtube:

5 EU Resources: News BBC Europe: /2003/inside_europe/default.stm /2003/inside_europe/default.stm EU Observer: NPR: hp?storyId=128407020 hp?storyId=128407020

6 Major Themes: What does the EU help us teach? Interdependence and Cooperation Nationalism, Language and Identity Diversity, Multiculturalism and Immigration Enlargement and challenges of political unification (parallels with the US) Europe as model? Benefits of integration

7 Interdependence and Cooperation EU is most successful example in world history of countries working together to solve common problems EU countries are interdependent. They face common challenges that none can solve alone: –Environment –Economic Globalization –Defense / Security

8 Nationalism, Language, Identity Nationalism discredited by WWII But languages and identities remain national Can Europe craft a stronger ‘common identity’ First build Europe, then Europeans?

9 23 Official Languages

10 Can Europe Craft Common Identity? Common symbols Exchange programs

11 Diversity, Multiculturalism and Immigration Muslims in Europe ope.pdf ope.pdf The Veil Controversy The Danish Cartoon Crisis nish_cartoon_controversy/index.html nish_cartoon_controversy/index.html EU vs. France over the Roma

12 Enlargement Bridge to the Future: EUcurriculum_bridge.pdf EUcurriculum_bridge.pdf Debating Benefits and Challenges of EU Membership: debating-benefits-and-challenges-of-eu-membership/ debating-benefits-and-challenges-of-eu-membership/ Council for Economic Education: Enlarging the European Union Outreach world: e/enlarging_the_eu.pdf e/enlarging_the_eu.pdf

13 Major EU Achievements 1.Peace 2.Enlargement 3.Internal market 4.The Euro 5.Environmental Policy..and many more

14 From war to peace From the rubble of Dresden… … to the ‘Love Parade’ in Berlin

15 From war… Centuries of warfare culminating in: –WWI – over 15 million casualties –WWII – over 50 million casualties, including 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust

16 …to peace On Bastille Day 1994, a German battalion marched down the Champs-Elysées… and they were invited! War between France and Germany is now unthinkable EU is moving toward a common defense policy

17 EU Enlargement: From 6 to 27

18 Enlargement: from six to 27 countries 1952 19731981 1986 19901995 20042007

19 ENLARGEMENT 1957: France, Italy, Germany, Bel., Neth., Lux 1973: Denmark, Ireland, UK 1981: Greece 1986: Spain, Portugal 1995: Finland, Sweden, Austria 2004: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus 2007: Bulgaria and Romania

20 Enlargement Helped spread and stabilize democracy across Europe Brought prosperity to ailing economies

21 Internal Market Travel Communications Investment Education Retirement in the sunFree Trade

22 Internal Market Market power: The EU has the world’s largest market and is America’s biggest trading partner Businesses benefit Consumers benefit Economic performance improves

23 From many….

24 … to one: the Euro

25 The Euro Value of € in circulation now exceeds $ Gaining ground as reserve currency (roughly 25% of global reserves) Business benefits Consumer benefits

26 Environmental Policy EU has become world leader on environmental policy EU has spread high environmental standards across Europe - Climate Change Policy - REACH Chemicals law –Automobile recycling

27 To stop global warming, EU leaders decided in 2007 to: reduce greenhouse gas emissions –by 20% by 2020  improve energy efficiency by 20% by 2020  raise the share of renewable energy –to 20% by 2020 (wind, solar, hydro power, biomass)

28 Europe as model? We mostly hear bad news about Europe But ‘European Model’ is attractive to many around the world Less militaristic foreign policy Stronger support for environmental protection More social security Can it be sustained?

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