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Objectives Compare the areas of study within Earth science.

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2 Objectives Compare the areas of study within Earth science.
Section 1.1 Earth Science Objectives Compare the areas of study within Earth science. Identify Earth’s systems. Explain the relationships among Earth’s systems. Explain why technology is important.

3 Section 1.1 Earth Science Earth science encompasses five areas of study: astronomy, meteorology, geology, oceanography, and environmental science. Review Vocabulary technology: the application of knowledge gained from scientific research to solve society’s needs and problems

4 New Vocabulary Earth Science astronomy meteorology geology
Section 1.1 Earth Science New Vocabulary astronomy meteorology geology oceanography environmental science geosphere atmosphere hydrosphere biosphere


6 The Scope of Earth Science
Section 1.1 Earth Science The Scope of Earth Science Earth science can be broken into five major areas of specialization: Astronomy the study of objects beyond Earth’s atmosphere


8 The Scope of Earth Science
Section 1.1 Earth Science The Scope of Earth Science Meteorology the study of the forces and processes that cause the atmosphere to change and produce weather


10 The Scope of Earth Science
Section 1.1 Earth Science The Scope of Earth Science Geology the study of materials that make up Earth, the processes that form and change these materials, and the history of the planet and its life-forms

11 The Scope of Earth Science
Section 1.1 Earth Science The Scope of Earth Science Oceanography the study of Earth’s oceans Environmental science the study of the interactions of organisms and their surroundings

12 Section 1.1 Earth Science Please click the image above to view the interactive table.

13 Section 1.1 Earth Science Earth’s Systems Scientists who study Earth have identified four main Earth systems:

14 Earth’s Systems Geosphere Earth Science
Section 1.1 Earth Science Earth’s Systems Geosphere the area from the surface of Earth down to its center

15 Earth’s Systems Atmosphere Hydrosphere
Section 1.1 Earth Science Earth’s Systems Atmosphere the blanket of gases that surrounds our planet Hydrosphere all the water on Earth, including the water in the atmosphere

16 Earth’s Systems Biosphere
Section 1.1 Earth Science Earth’s Systems Biosphere all organisms on Earth as well as the environments in which they live

17 Earth’s Systems Earth Science
Section 1.1 Earth Science Earth’s Systems All of Earth’s systems are interdependent. Notice how water from the hydrosphere enters the atmosphere, falls to the biosphere, and soaks into the geosphere.

18 Section 1.1 Earth Science Technology Technology is not used only to make life easier. It can also make life safer. Technology is important, not only in science, but in everyday life.

19 1 Study Guide Key Concepts Section 1.1 Earth Science Earth science encompasses five areas of study: astronomy, meteorology, geology, oceanography, and environmental science. Earth is divided into four systems: the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Earth systems are all interdependent.

20 1 Study Guide Key Concepts Section 1.1 Earth Science Identifying the interrelationships between Earth systems leads to specialties and subspecialties. Technology is important, not only in science, but in everyday life. Earth science has contributed to the development of many items used in everyday life.

21 1 The Nature of Science Which phrase best defines technology?
1.1 Section Questions Which phrase best defines technology? a. the creation of scientific knowledge b. the application of scientific knowledge c. electronic equipment such as computers d. any type of invention, model, or design

22 1 The Nature of Science 1.1 Section Questions Earth’s systems often interact. Which example represents an interaction between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere? a. water eroding a deep canyon b. water evaporating from the sea c. water entering a plant’s roots d. water seeping into soil and rock

23 1 The Nature of Science 1.1 Section Questions Why do many Earth scientists specialize into subdisciplines? Answer: Earth science is very broad. It is impossible for any one person to keep up with all Earth science research that is being done. Specializing allows scientists to develop advanced knowledge and skills in their particular subdiscipline.

24 1 The Nature of Science astronomy meteorology geology oceanography
Section 1.1 Vocabulary astronomy meteorology geology oceanography environmental science geosphere atmosphere hydrosphere biosphere

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