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Mexican Immigration to the USA Mexican Immigration to the USA Lizbeth Jäger-Alemán May 2, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexican Immigration to the USA Mexican Immigration to the USA Lizbeth Jäger-Alemán May 2, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexican Immigration to the USA Mexican Immigration to the USA Lizbeth Jäger-Alemán May 2, 2006

2 Borders and Borderlands (1) Definition Definition of border: “A border is a line that separates one nation another or, in the case of internal entities, one province or locality from another.” “A border is a line that separates one nation from another or, in the case of internal entities, one province or locality from another.”Martínez:1994

3 Borders and Borderlands (2) Functions of a border: “To keep people in their own space and to prevent, control, or regulate interactions among them.” Martínez: 1994

4 Mexican-U.S. borderlands from 1853 to the present

5 Tijuana-San Diego

6 Tijuana Tepoztlán

7 Borderlands interaction Alienated borderlands Alienated borderlands Coexistent borderlands Coexistent borderlands Integrated borderlands Integrated borderlands Interdependent borderlands Interdependent borderlands

8 Conditions for interdependent borderlands Stable international relations Stable international relations The existence of a favourable economic climate The existence of a favourable economic climate Policies concerning the national interests of the two countries. Policies concerning the national interests of the two countries.

9 The Bracero Program The Bracero Railroad ProgramThe Bracero Railroad Program -1942-1945 The Bracero Agricultural ProgramThe Bracero Agricultural Program -1942-1964 -Texas -Wetbacks

10 The “Wetbacks” Rio Grande Two “wetbacks”

11 Reactions against illegal immigration (1) Operation Wetback Texas (July 1954)Operation Wetback Texas (July 1954) Immigration Reform and Control Act, IRCA (1986)Immigration Reform and Control Act, IRCA (1986) Operation Gate Keeper (1994)Operation Gate Keeper (1994) Real ID Act (2005)Real ID Act (2005)

12 Reactions against illegal immigration (2) Current proposal discussed at the Senate: HR4437: The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act, 2005

13 Reactions (1)

14 Reactions (2)


16 Some useful links

17 Sources Martínez, Oscar J. (1994) Border People: Life and Society in the US-Mexico Borderlands. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press Martínez, Oscar J. (1994) Border People: Life and Society in the US-Mexico Borderlands. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press Bracero Program: Bracero Program: Operation Wetback: Operation Wetback: Durand, Jorge: “Cien años de política migratoria mexicana” Durand, Jorge: “Cien años de política migratoria mexicana”

18 Thank you!

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